#1 Cumberland County Workforce Development Board Policy Management
#4 WIOA Rules and Regulations
#5 Selective Service Registration
#6 Priority of Service
#7 Hearing & Review
#8 Self-Sufficiency
#9 Repeat Customers
#10 Monitoring
#11 WIOA Nondiscrimination-Equal Opportunity Standards and Complaint Procedures
#12 ITA Policy and Procedures
#13 WIOA Eligible Training Providers
#14 WIOA Title I Work Experience Opportunities
#15 On-the-Job Training (OJT)
#17 Supportive Services and Needs-Related Payments
#18 Youth Services
#19 Time & Attendance Reporting and Travel for WIOA Participants
#22 WIOA Title I & III Co-enrollment in NCWorks
#23 Career Services
#24 Customer Self-Attestation
#25 Electronic File Storage and Protecting Personally Identifiable Information
#26 Conflict of Interest
#27 Serving Immediate Family
#28 Procurement and Contracting Policy
#29 Incumbent Worker Training Policy
#30 Transparency and Integrity (HATCH ACT)
#31 Financial Policy for WIOA
#32 Separating Service Members and Military Spouse (Transition Tech Policy)
490 N. McPherson Church Road Fayetteville, NC 28303