Crisis Intervention
This service can be utilized in crisis situations to meet an acute/temporary needs.
Homemaker Program
A supportive service for elderly/disabled individuals. This program can assist with transportation to medical appointments and grocery shopping.
Representative Payee
This program assists individuals with managing their Social Security or Supplemental Security Income benefits to help them maintain a safe and secure home environment.
Adult Daycare Case Management
Provides case management activities to individuals in Adult Daycare programs to support their personal independence by promoting their social, physical and emotional well-being.
Special Assistance In-Home Program
This program provides financial support for medical needs to those who are eligible to live in a licensed residential care facility but who desire to and can safely remain in their home.
Placement Assistance
Offers information about placing a family member in an Adult Care Home and how to access the state rating system of the Adult Care Homes.
For assistance obtaining these services call (910) 677-2388 or (910) 677-2389.