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Adopt a Pet

The Cumberland County Animal Services Department always has a wide variety of dogs, cats and other domesticated animals ready to be adopted. Anyone 18 years old or older with a valid form of identification is eligible to adopt a pet.

To find your perfect pet, you, your family and even your pets can visit the facility during adoption hours to view the pets available. You can also use the bonding rooms or outside play area to ensure the perfect match!

For animals at the Cumberland County Animal Shelter, responsible pet owners can make a difference by saving those animals that have a lot of life and love left to give.

The Cumberland County Animal Services operates a shelter not a permanent care facility. Our programs are sparsely funded. We rely on the citizens of Cumberland County to adopt as many of these healthy animals as possible.

For more information about animals that are available for adoption, please go to our Adoptable Animals page. Please call 910-321-6852 to confirm whether the animal you are interested in is still available. When calling you will need to provide the Pet ID number, which can be found on the animal's picture on the Adoptable Animals page.

Adoption Fees
The adoption fee for dogs/puppies is $100, cats/kittens are $70, and small pets like rabbits, guinea pigs, etc are $10.

  • Contact Us

    Phone: 910-321-6852

    4704 Corporation Drive
    Fayetteville, NC 28306

    Animal Services logo   Intagram   Facebook  
    Fax: 910-223-3357
    Director: Elaine Smith, RVT

    Contact Us

    Phone: 910-321-6852
    Fax: 910-223-3357
    Director: Elaine Smith, RVT

    4704 Corporation Drive
    Fayetteville, NC 28306

    Animal Services logo   Intagram   Facebook