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Sexually Transmitted Infections Clinic


Public Health Alert
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NC DHHS) is issuing a public health alert following five stillbirths or neonatal deaths in North Carolina babies with congenital syphilis born between Jan. 1, 2023, and Sept. 1, 2023. There is a continued statewide rise in syphilis cases among women, a 547% increase since 2012. Learn more here. Healthcare providers have an important role in preventing syphilis. Providers should complete a sexual health history for all patients. All pregnant women should be testing for syphilis at the first prenatal visit, between 28-30 weeks gestation, AND at delivery (this is required by NC state law). Visit the NCDHHS website for more resources for providers.




What is the Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Clinic?

The STI clinic provides free services to anyone interested in the screening, diagnosis, treatment, and counseling of sexually transmitted infections and HIV. All services are confidential and are provided by highly trained specialists, using the most up-to-date assessments and recommendations.

Who is Eligible for STI Clinic services?

Any sexually active person is eligible to receive services at our clinic. By ruling of the North Carolina Legislature, teenagers may be seen in the clinic without parental consent. Services are provided regardless of county of residence.

What can you do for me?

The STI clinic provides testing, diagnosis, and treatment for a variety of sexually transmitted infections. We also provide specialized risk reduction and prevention counseling as well as referrals for HIV case management (if needed). The available STI testing includes Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Herpes (tissue culture with symptoms only), Genital Warts, Urethritis/NGU (males only), Trichomoniasis, HIV/AIDS (testing, counseling, and referrals). You will receive information on how to obtain your results before leaving the clinic area. Some of the results could take up to two (2) weeks to return.

How much does it cost?

Most services and prophylaxis are free of cost to you. Insurance is welcome, but it is not required.

How can I schedule an appointment and where are you located?

You can schedule an appointment by calling 910-433-3600, Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your appointment time. We are located on the second floor of the Cumberland County Department of Public Health.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). https://www.cdc.gov/std/default.htm

North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS). Facts and figures. https://epi.dph.ncdhhs.gov/cd/stds/figures.html

NCDHHS Data Dashboard (NCD3). NC DPH: Communicable Disease Facts & Figures 

Patient Safety and Privacy

For the safety and privacy of clients, children are not permitted on the Women’s Health (Family Planning, Maternity, BCCCP) and STD clinics. Children under the age of 12 need to be supervised at all times by a responsible adult and will not be allowed in the clinic area unless they are receiving services. Children must be 12 or older to supervise other children. Children under age 10 are not permitted to be left alone in a vehicle.

Contact us for resources for drop in childcare and transportation to the health department.

Effective March 11, 2024


  • Contact Us

    Phone: 910-433-3820
    Department of Public Health:

    1235 Ramsey Street
    Fayetteville, NC 28301

    DPH Accreditation Seal 2023-2027 150  
    Fax: 910-321-7132
    TTY Phone: 910-223-9386
    Supervisor: Alba N.

    Contact Us

    Phone: 910-433-3820
    Fax: 910-321-7132
    TTY Phone: 910-223-9386
    Supervisor: Alba N.
    Department of Public Health:

    1235 Ramsey Street
    Fayetteville, NC 28301

    DPH Accreditation Seal 2023-2027 150