Who are Child Care Health Consultants (CCHC)?
CCHC's are trained health professionals with education and experience in community health and early child care education in Cumberland and Hoke County.
What do CCHC's do?
- Assess early child care education practices and environments.
- Collaborate with early educators to develop quality improvement plans to achieve safe and healthy outcomes.
- Provide health and safety technical assistance and trainings.
- Evaluate effectiveness of new knowledge, practices, and changes to environment.
When should I call a CCHC?
Call your CCHC when you have questions or concerns about:
- Health Education
- Community Health Resources
- Nutrition and Physical Activity
- Oral Health
- Environmental Health
- Staff health and wellness
- Illness and infectious disease
- Safety and injury prevention
- Policy development and implementation
- Child with special health needs
- Medication Administration
- Emergency preparedness, response and recovery
- Child abuse and neglect
- Infant and child social
CCHC Class Registration
Child Care Health Consultants
Nicole Richardson, RN, BSN
Office: 910-433-3793
Auxi Grimes, MS,CHES
Office: 910-433-3639