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Voter Guide


You will be assigned a voting place within the precinct where you live. Your precinct will be assigned by our office when you register or change your address and you will be notified by mail. You will receive a voter card before any election if you are a new voter or have made changes since the last election. The voter card will indicate the name and location of your voting place. You may also telephone the Elections Office at 678-7733 for the location of your voting place.

Voter ID

Voters will be asked to show photo ID when voting in North Carolina, beginning with the 2023 municipal elections!

Most voters will simply show their driver’s license, but there are other acceptable photo IDs.


Check out the Photo ID Video on photo identification in North Carolina


Details related to photo identification can be found on the Voter ID page on the NC State Board of Elections website. To access all details on NC voter photo identification requirements, click on the links below.


NCSBE Voter ID Page


Do you need an ID?

Registered voters can request and receive a photo identification for voting purposes from the Board of Elections for free. To obtain your free NC Voter Photo ID Card, visit our office during regular business hours. You will need to complete a NC Voter Photo ID Card Request Form prior to receiving your ID, the following information will be required and have your photo taken:

  • Full Name

  • Date of Birth

  • Last 4 digits of your Social Security Number

  • Signature


The free voter photo ID will include your photo, name, and registration number. It will expire 10 years from the date of issuance.


NC Voter ID Cards will be issued from the Board of Elections during regular business hours except during the time period between the end of Early Voting and Election Day for each election.


Registered voters who are requesting a replacement card for the following reasons can request a new card by mail, in-person, or by telephone:

  • Lost or defaced Voter Identification Card

  • Name Change (Must submit a voter registration update form first)


NC Voter Photo ID Card Request Form


Voters can also get a free ID card from the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles (NCDMV). Find more information under “No-Fee ID Cards” at State IDs | NCDMV.


All voters will be allowed to vote with or without a photo ID. If a voter cannot show photo ID when voting in person, they can still vote by filling out an ID Exception Form. For absentee-by-mail voters, if they are unable to include a copy of their photo ID in their ballot return envelope, they can also fill out an ID Exception Form with their ballot.


Transfer Voting

If you fail to change your address by the registration deadline, there is a procedure that allows you to vote. On election day, you may go to your old precinct and fill out a voter update/transfer form. Then you can take the form to your new precinct where you will be allowed to vote. To avoid this paperwork, change your address by the registration deadline. The deadline is 25 days before an election.

All voting places in Cumberland County are open from 6:30 a.m. until 7:30 p.m. every election day.

At The Voting Place

Upon entering the voting place, give your name, address and party (primary only) to the election officials. If you are properly registered, you will be given a ballot to take to the voting booth. If precinct officials are unable to locate your registration record, you may be asked to vote a provisional ballot. Voter must return provisional ballot in the sealed envelope to precinct official.

Curbside Voting

If you are unable to enter the voting place because of age or physical disability, you will be allowed to vote in your vehicle. Curbside voting is available at all voting sites during the one-stop absentee voting period and on election day. Voting sites have designated parking indicating curbside voting and have a curbside alert system that alerts the election officials a curbside voter has arrived. An election official will come to the vehicle to obtain the voter’s name and address. Before a ballot is issued to a curbside voter, the voter must swear an oath affirming his or her qualification to use curbside voting.

Help for Voters with Disabilities

Federal and state laws require early voting locations and Election Day polling sites to be accessible. Find details about accessible voting equipment and receiving voting assistance at Accessible Voting Sites.

Any voter who qualifies for assistance may ask for help at their polling place under Assistance to voters. N.C.G.S. § 163-166.8.

If you are a blind or visually impaired voter, you may request, mark, and return an accessible absentee ballot online through the N.C. Absentee Ballot Portal. It is compatible with screen readers and allows for a digital or typed signature. Learn how it works at Accessible Absentee Voting.

Primaries and General Elections

In primaries in North Carolina, you vote only in the primary of the party with which you are affiliated. If you register unaffiliated you may be allowed to vote in a primary if a party allows unaffiliated voters.

Voter Search Lookup Tool


Use this Lookup Tool to: 

  • See your registered name

  • See your registered address

  • See your party affiliation

  • Locate your polling place

  • See your election districts

  • Find your county board of elections


During an election, the Voter Search Lookup Tool will also display: 

  • Your Sample Ballot

  • Your Absentee Ballot Status

  • Contact Us

    Phone: 910-678-7733

    227 Fountainhead Lane
    Fayetteville, NC 28301

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    Fax: 910-678-7738
    Director: Angie Amaro

    Contact Us

    Phone: 910-678-7733
    Fax: 910-678-7738
    Director: Angie Amaro

    227 Fountainhead Lane
    Fayetteville, NC 28301

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