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How to Apply

Thank you for your interest in employment with Cumberland County!

Cumberland County hires only United States Citizens and lawfully authorized aliens who are in compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of November 6, 1986.

Cumberland County is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

All current career opportunities with Cumberland County can be viewed here. First time users will need to create an account using a personal email address. 

Completing the Application

  1. Click on the position title you are interested in.
  2. Review the description, duties, minimum qualifications and supplemental questions.
  3. Next, click on the "Apply" link to begin the application process.

Your application is the primary tool used to evaluate your qualifications. It is important that your application show all relevant education and experience you possess to include any gaps you had between employments. All work experience should be documented in the work experience section of the application. Applications may be rejected if incomplete.

Your application can be saved and used to apply for more than one job opening.

Application Process

After the vacancy closing date, applications are reviewed to assess levels of education/training and job experience that will determine qualifications. Based on the review of applications, qualified applicants will be referred for a possible interview. Further review of qualified applicants will be assessed for interview selection and a limited number will be invited for an interview. Not all qualified applicants are selected for interview.

If desired, a resume may be attached but will not be used to qualify applicants. Some positions may require you to attach supporting documents as defined in the position vacancy announcement.

Application Status

Check the status of your application here.

Please Note

Spam Filters
If you have spam filters either on your personal computer or with your internet provider, be sure they allow e-mails from info@governmentjobs.com. Otherwise, you may not be aware of e-mails regarding your application or job interest notifications.

Check Your Email
It is important that you check your email, including your spam folder, regularly for status updates. Notices are sent throughout the recruitment process to notify you of your status (i.e. no longer under consideration, selected for an interview, to schedule required testing, or another candidate selected.)

NeoGov Inbox
All correspondence will also be viewable within your NeoGov inbox. When signed in, click on your name in the top right-hand corner and then inbox

**Do not share your account or the email address you used to create your account with anyone! Sharing accounts or email addresses will permanently corrupt your historical/application data in the system.**

Faxed and e-mailed applications are not accepted.

On-line applications are stored on a secure site and kept confidential in compliance with State law. Only authorized employees and hiring authorities have access to the information submitted.

Want Instant Notifications of our New Job Postings?

We encourage you to subscribe to receive job notifications instantaneously when we post a position in the category or categories of your professional growth area.

Below are the steps to subscribe to receive job notifications:

  • Click on Menu on the left side of the page.
  • Click on Job Vacancy Notifications.
  • Complete the steps on the next page and you will receive notifications each time a position    opens that matches the category or categories you select. Be sure to update your subscriptions as your professional interest change annually.

NEOGOV Customer Support
Help Desk 1-855-524-5627
Hours: Monday – Friday 11 a.m. – 8 p.m.  

For Assistance

regarding an Employment Recruitment matter, please contact:

Amanda Turnmire
Employment Manager
Email:  email_envelope

David Kilpatrick
Employment Consultant
Email:  email_envelope

Jessica Ferron
Employment Consultant
Email:  email_envelope

  • Contact Us

    Phone: 910-678-7653

    County Courthouse, 117 Dick Street, Room 25
    Fayetteville, NC 28301

    Fax: 910-678-7659
    Director: Dominique Hall

    Contact Us

    Phone: 910-678-7653
    Fax: 910-678-7659
    Director: Dominique Hall

    County Courthouse, 117 Dick Street, Room 25
    Fayetteville, NC 28301