Cumberland County uses two types of voting machines. The DS200 scanner and tabulator and the Express Vote ballot-marking system (touch screen or braille buttons). Each precinct has one of each type of the voting machines. In the precincts, the DS200 is the main method for the voter to vote. For voters that are visually impaired, the Express Vote has an audio ballot to assist them in the voting process. Although the main method of voting in the precinct is the DS200, if a voter wishes to use the Express Vote, the voter just needs to make that request to a poll worker in his/her precinct.
DS200 Scanner

The DS200 scanner and tabulator uses paper ballots.
Express Vote ballot marking equipment

The Express Vote is a "ballot-marking system" touch screen and/or braille button voting system for voters who are blind, visually impaired, or have a disability or condition that makes it difficult to traditionally mark a paper ballot. This is not a tabulator, it will mark a paper ballot based on the choices the voter makes. The ballot will then be placed in the DS200 tabulator by the voter.