What is CMHRP (Care Management for High-Risk Pregnancy Program)?
Care Management for High-Risk Pregnancies (CMHRP) focuses on interventions to reduce the rate of preterm births, low birth weight and other medical and social conditions that may interfere with improving birth outcomes for the Medicaid population.
Who is eligible for CMHRP?
Pregnant and postpartum women, residing in Cumberland County, insured by Medicaid, with medical and/ or social factors that may complicate the pregnancy. Those include past or current chronic medical diagnoses, behavioral health conditions and social determinants of health that may have an impact on birth outcomes.
What can you do for me?
Care Managers work with Pregnancy Medical Homes (OB Doctors) to assist pregnant and postpartum women in improving and promoting healthier pregnancy outcomes. We conduct comprehensive pregnancy assessments to determine your strengths and needs, work with you to meet those needs, provide education related to your specific health concern and offer referrals and linkages to other support services in the community.
What does it cost?
Free to all participants who are eligible.
How can I schedule an appointment and where are you located?
You can schedule an appointment by calling 910-433-3814, Monday – Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. We are located on the second floor in suite 2400.