Welcome to our Voter Registration Data Search page. The State Board of Elections has compiled a statewide database of registered voters (both active and inactive). To find out if you are registered, go to the NC Statewide Voter Search. Type in your name and any other information; click on Submit. A list of names will appear. Click on your name and detailed information will be displayed (i.e., Name, County Name, Voter Registration Number, Status, Address, City, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Party, Polling Place, Voting Districts, and Voter History).
Is your address wrong?
If you discover that we do not have your current address, please fill out a new Voter Registration Application. Click on the link to the NC State Board of Elections found on our Voter Registration page. Mail the completed form to our office or you may obtain registration forms at the following locations in Cumberland County:
- The Board of Elections office
- Cumberland County Public Libraries
- Department of Motor Vehicles (if conducting business)
- Various Agencies:
- Social Services
- Employment Security Commission
- Armed Forces Recruitment Offices
Cannot find your name?
If you registered, but do not find your name in the database, please email our office at
with your full name, address, date of birth, when you registered, and where you registered.
State Board of Elections Policy Regarding Access to Public Records
The North Carolina State Board of Elections office release of public records policy is to be as open as possible while protecting legal privacy or confidentiality issues. Voter registration records, with limited exception are public records in North Carolina. Please refer to G.S. §132-1(a) and §163-82.10.
The following data are collected by the county boards of elections and are available through both the county board of elections and the North Carolina statewide database of registered voters:
voter's name, residence address within the county, mailing address, date of registration, party affiliation, voting history, voting districts, polling place assignment, voter identification number, race, ethnicity, gender, and some other non-essential fields may be available if collected by the county board electronically.
Note that the only data required to be a registered voter are name, address, date of birth, and signature of the applicant attesting to his/her qualifications. For more information regarding data collected for voter registration, refer to G.S. §163-82.3(a) and §82.10.
By State law, documents prepared by the State Board of Elections and county boards of elections employees while performing work-related duties are, with some exceptions, public records. It is the intention of the State Board of Elections to be responsive to legal and legitimate public requests for information.
Those documents that are routinely published, such as voter registration statistics, candidate and committee lists and election results can be obtained without the need for a formal public record request. Many of these records can be obtained from the State Board of Elections.