The Clerk to Board is appointed by the Board of Commissioners, performs any duties that may be required by law or by the Board of Commissioners and serves at the pleasure of the Board. The Clerk manages all activities of the Governing Body Department and serves as a member of the County’s Leadership Team.
The Clerk:
- Attends all official meetings of the Board of Commissioners; prepares full and accurate minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Commissioners and general accounts of closed session meetings; serves as the custodian of records within the Governing Body Department including minutes, ordinance books and resolutions.
- Is responsible for creating and publishing the Board of Commissioners’ annual meeting schedules and preparing public notices of official meetings in accordance with the open meetings law.
- Administers oaths; researches information contained in records of official meetings; and attests and certifies documents on behalf of the County.
- Prepares the budget for Governing Budget department; authorizes all expenditures, purchases and reimbursements; and prepares legal advertising of the annual budget public hearing.
- Serves as a liaison to the public by providing for citizen input during public hearings and public comment periods; receiving visitors; referring phone calls and visitors to appropriate County Commissioner or County department; and responding to requests for information.
- Supervises the Deputy Clerk who coordinates the volunteer citizen advisory boards; maintains the Board of Commissioners’ calendar; and handles travel arrangements.
The Clerk’s Office is open to the public from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday. The office is located in the Cumberland County Courthouse on the 5th floor.
Andrea Tebbe, Clerk to the Board 117 Dick Street Cumberland County Courthouse Room 561 Fayetteville, NC 28301 Phone 910-678-7771 Fax 910-678-7770

| | Iva Clark, Deputy Clerk 117 Dick Street Cumberland County Courthouse Room 504 Fayetteville, NC 28301 Phone 910-678-7772 Fax 910-678-7770

All matters pertaining to District and Superior Courts, such as court payments or estates and wills, are handled by the Clerk of Court's Office at 910-475-3000.