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Personal Property

Existing Listed Individuals, Businesses, and Farms/Agri-Businesses should receive pre-printed listing forms in January. If you do not receive a form and have property that requires listing, it is your responsibility to obtain and complete a listing form. 

Listing Forms should be completed, signed, and submitted by January 31 to: ATTN: Assessment/Audit Division, Cumberland County Tax Administration, PO Box 449, Fayetteville, NC 28302-0449

Listings submitted by mail shall be deemed filed as of the date shown on the postmark affixed by the US Postal Service. If no date is shown on the postmark, or if the postmark is not affixed by the US Postal Service (for instance, personal postage meters), the listing shall be deemed filed when received by the Tax Administration Department. Late listings are subject to a 10% penalty per NC General Statute 105-312(h).

Extension request may be granted through April 15, if requested online or in writing and is postmarked or submitted by January 31.

Note:  Listing forms are currently not accepted electronically. 

2025 Tax Listing Notice

North Carolina General Statutes require all individuals owning personal property on January 1 of each year to annually list that property and pay taxes.

Individual personal property includes:

  • Unlicensed vehicles, which are those not having an active registration on January 1, including automobiles, trucks, trailers, campers, and motorcycles
  • IRP vehicles (International Registration Plan plates)
  • Watercraft such as boats, boat motors and jet skis
  • Mobile homes
  • Aircraft, including hot air balloons, ultralights, and gliders
  • Vehicles and trailers with permanent multi-year tags

Any individual or business owning or possessing personal property used or connected with a business or other income producing purpose, is required to file a listing form with the Cumberland County Tax Office.

Business personal property is tangible assets that are used in conjunction with a business. These assets include machinery, computers, office equipment, furniture, supplies, signs, fixtures, spare parts, leasehold improvements, construction in progress, IRP (International Registration Plate), unlicensed and multi-year tag vehicles, etc.

Business Personal Property Brochure

Business Personal Property Email:   email_envelope      


All persons engaged in farm/agri-businesses must file a listing of all of their income producing personal property with the Cumberland County Tax Office.

Farm/agri-business personal property includes, but is not limited to, tractors, motors, loaders, power equipment, machinery such as corn pickers, hay balers, wheat drills, plows, harrows, cultivators, hog and poultry house equipment such as feeders, circulating fans, feed bins and conveyers, untagged vehicles and trailers, as well as any computer/office equipment, furniture, supplies, signs, fixtures, spare parts, leasehold improvements, etc. 

2025 Farm Listing Form

Business Personal Property Email:   email_envelope      

Unregistered motor vehicles and vehicles that have an IRP plate (International Registration Plan/Apportioned), or permanent/multi-year plates must be listed each year.

The NC Department of Motor Vehicles sends out a combined notice that includes both the vehicle registration fee and property taxes due. You pay NC DMV for the entire bill by mail, online or in person at any NC License Plate Agency. You will not be able to renew your registration without paying the property tax that is due.

If you purchase a vehicle and do not transfer an active tag to it, you will be required to either pay the property tax at the time you register the vehicle or acquire a limited registration plate, which allows you approximately 60 days to pay the tax and receive your permanent plate.

Visit the NCDMV website to Renew & Pay Property Taxes.

Antique Automobile Application

  • Contact Us

    Phone: 910-678-7507

    117 Dick Street, Room 530
    Fayetteville, NC 28301

    Fax: 910-678-7582
    Tax Administrator: Joseph R. Utley, Jr.

    Contact Us

    Phone: 910-678-7507
    Fax: 910-678-7582
    Tax Administrator: Joseph R. Utley, Jr.

    117 Dick Street, Room 530
    Fayetteville, NC 28301
