Public libraries provide essential spaces for community members to meet, collaborate and learn. To fill the library’s mission of supporting, encouraging, and engaging our diverse community, Cumberland County Public Library welcomes all community members to use designated library spaces for the lawful and approved activities of all groups and persons, regardless of their beliefs or affiliations.
Spaces available for reservation by community members vary in size and are across all eight library locations. Rooms within locations will be made available when not needed for Cumberland County Government or Cumberland County Public Library programs and activities. Library rooms are available without cost for community members to use to host meetings, programs of public interest, organizational meetings, study sessions, and other related activities. Library rooms are not to serve as the base of operations for any organization, group, or business. Programs in large activity rooms must be free and open to the public.
The library does not and shall not discriminate based on race, color, religion (creed) gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual origination, or military status. Permission to use library rooms is not an endorsement of the user or the user’s beliefs by Cumberland County Government, Cumberland County Public Library, or the Cumberland County Public Library Board of Trustees.
As a part of Cumberland County Government, the Cumberland County Public Library adheres to the adopted facilities policies of the Cumberland County Board of Commissioners. Section 1, subsection 2, policy no. 2-3: Public Use of County-Owned Facilities outlines the following guidelines for Public Use of County-Owned Facilities.