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Cumberland County Commissioners Regular Meeting Wrap-Up

Jan 17, 2024

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. – The following is a summary of the Cumberland County Board of Commissioners meeting, which was held Jan. 16, 2024, at 6:45 p.m., in Room 118 of the Judge E. Maurice Braswell Cumberland County Courthouse.

Commissioners recognized students from the Fayetteville-Cumberland Youth Council who were in attendance including Sahara Knight, Trevon Mayfield Jr., Walter Sanders Jr., Troy Hicks, Gabriel Kinney, Samone Dobson and Kyla Pettiford.

The Board unanimously approved the following items as part of the CONSENT AGENDA, unless otherwise noted below.

  1. Approval of Contract with Community Development Foundation to Provide Services for Developing the Black Voice and History Museum
  2. Approval of Request for Destruction of Planning & Inspections Department Records
  3. Approval to Pay Prior Year Invoice
  4. Approval of FY24 Rural State Operating Program & Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP) Contract Amendments
  5. Approval of Budget Ordinance Amendment for the January 16, 2024 Board of Commissioners’ Agenda
  6. Approval of Cumberland County Board of Commissioners Agenda Session Items
    1. Chapin Hall FY24 Contract Amendment
    2. Issuance of Request for Proposals for Early Intervention with Opioid Settlement Funds
    3. Service Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas for Water Resources Study
    4. Service Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas for FEMA BRIC Funding Assistance for West Cedar Creek
    5. Resolution Designation of Applicants Agent FY22 BRIC Grant Funding
    6. Cumberland-Hoke Hazard Mitigation Plan Amendment
    7. Community Development Funding Agreement with Kingdom Community Development Corporation
    8. Community Transportation Program 2024 Title VI Program Plan
    9. Community Transportation Program Drug and Alcohol Policy Plan Update

The Board held PUBLIC HEARINGS on the following items:

  1. Case ZON-23-0034 – Text Amendment to the Cumberland County Zoning Ordinance to regulate tobacco and hemp retail products within Cumberland County, submitted by Planning & Inspections Staff (applicant). The Text Amendment adds a definition of tobacco and hemp retail establishments to mean the principal sales and/or distribution of those products. Such establishments will only be permitted in C(P) and C2(P) Commercial Districts and may be no fewer than 1,000 feet from any other Tobacco and Hemp Retail Establishment that exists or has been permitted, or from any schools, day care facilities, group homes, public parks, group quarters (halfway houses) or residential habilitation support facilities. There can also be no more than one such establishment on a single property or in the same building. The Text Amendment only applies to future establishments in the county’s unincorporated areas. The Text Amendment was presented to the Cumberland County Board of Health, which endorsed it, and to the Joint Planning Board, which recommended approval. The Board voted unanimously to approve the Text Amendment.
  2. Street Naming Case - SN0503 – Planning and Inspections staff received a request from Mr. Scottie Cochran to rename James Atkinson Road. Mr. Cochran is one of two property owners who currently live on this road and is requesting the road be changed to Lancaz Way. The second property owner on the road was notified of the request and informed Planning staff that they agree with the proposed name change. The Board voted unanimously to approve the request.


    Rezoning Cases

    Case ZON-23-0029 – Rezoning from M2 Heavy Industrial District to M(P)/CZ Planned Industrial District Conditional Zoning or to a more restrictive zoning district for 0.315 +/- acres; located at the west side of Elva Wallace Road, approximately half-mile north of Wade Stedman Road and west of I-95, submitted by Capital Outdoor Advertising (applicant) on behalf of Cousins Realty NC, LLC (owner). The Board voted unanimously to approve the request.

  3. Case ZON-23-0033 – Rezoning from A1 Agricultural District to R40 Residential District or to a more restrictive zoning district for two parcels comprising 4.75 +/- acres; located at 10932 Ramsey St, submitted by Jeff Riddle (agent) and Cape Fear Investment Properties, LLC (owner). The Board voted unanimously to approve the request.

The Board considered the following ITEMS OF BUSINESS:

  1. Consideration of Approval of 2024 Federal Legislative Agenda – The Board annually adopts a Federal Legislative Agenda that sets priorities for the County’s federal advocacy each year. Cumberland County contracts with the Hamm Consulting Group for federal legislative lobbying services. Ron Hamm provided the Board with a federal update during the Jan. 11, 2024, Agenda Session and presented the DRAFT 2024 Federal Agenda and the Board voted to place the item as an Item of Business on the Jan. 16, 2024, Regular Meeting agenda. The Board voted unanimously to approve this item.
  2. Consideration of Sale of Parcel on the Sand Hill Road Industrial Site to Piedmont Natural Gas for Expansion of Regulator Station – County Attorney Rick Moorefield requested the Board approve the sale of a 1.931-acre tract in the Cumberland Industrial Center to Piedmont Natural Gas (PNG) to allow for the expansion of a regulator station at the site. PNG offered to pay $10,000 for the property and to cease using its existing easements on the county’s properties for vehicular access to the regulator station. The statute requires the board to conduct a public hearing on this transaction upon ten days’ notice of the board’s intent to convey this property. The Board held a Public Hearing on this item and voted unanimously to approve the item.

Commissioners made the following APPOINTMENTS:

  1. The Board reappointed Louis Wood and appointed Stacey Bolton to fill two vacancies on the Fayetteville-Cumberland Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission.

The Board went into CLOSED SESSION to Preserve Attorney-Client Privilege pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(3).

After coming out of Closed Session, the Board voted unanimously to allow the County Manager to engage an attorney to assist with a condemnation proceeding.

Meetings are streamed live on CCNC-TV though the County’s website at cumberlandcountync.gov, YouTube Channel and on CCNCTV Spectrum Channel 5. They are also archived on the County’s YouTube Channel following the meeting. Visit  the Cumberland County website to view meeting agendas, minutes and links to the videos under the Board of Commissioners tab.

You can also follow the Cumberland County on social media by searching CumberlandCountyNC.

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    Phone: 910-438-4025

    226 Bradford Avenue
    Fayetteville, NC 28301

    Director: Diane B. Rice

    Contact Us

    Phone: 910-438-4025
    Director: Diane B. Rice

    226 Bradford Avenue
    Fayetteville, NC 28301