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Cumberland County Commissioners Regular Meeting Wrap-Up

Sep 17, 2024

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. – The following is a summary of the Sept. 16, 2024, Cumberland County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, which was held at 6.45 p.m. in Room 118 of the Judge E. Maurice Braswell Cumberland County Courthouse. To view the agenda and supporting materials for this meeting, go to www.cumberlandcountync.gov/bocmeetingmaterials.

Board of Commissioners Chairman Glenn Adams called for a moment of silence to honor Dr. Marvin Connelly Jr., Cumberland County Schools Superintendent, who recently shared he will be taking time off due to health concerns.

Vice Chairwoman Dr. Toni Stewart led the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioners recognized two participants in the County’s fall Ignite Internship cohort, who were in attendance. Tye Vaught, Chief of Staff, introduced Cedric Turner, who is a graduate student at Fayetteville State University (FSU) and is interning with Community Development; and Diane Rice, Communications Director, introduced Tre’ Richardson, who is a senior at FSU and is interning with the Public Information Office.

Chairman Adams recognized Vice Chairwoman Stewart for her recent appointment to the Health and Human Services Steering Committee of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) and her election as the Region 6 Director for the North Carolina Association of County Boards of Social Services (NCACBSS).


The Board unanimously approved the following items as part of the CONSENT AGENDA, unless otherwise noted below.

  1. Approval of Proclamation Recognizing Constitution Week in Cumberland County
  2. Approval of Proclamation Recognizing Manufacturing Day in Cumberland County
  3. Approval of Declaration of Official Intent to Reimburse Expenditures
  4. Approval of NC Cardinal Memorandum of Agreement Between the Cumberland County Public Library and the State Library of North Carolina
  5. Approval of Amendment to the Fayetteville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (FAMPO) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
  6. Approval of Capital Project Budget Ordinance Amendment B250150 for the Crown Event Center Project
  7. Approval of Budget Ordinance Amendments for the September 16, 2024 Board of Commissioners' Agenda
  8. Approval of Cumberland County Board of Commissioners Agenda Session Items
  1. Amendments to the Local Emergency Planning Committee Bylaws
  2. Policy for Leasing County-owned Property
  3. Resolution for Funding Assistance for the Proposed Future Cedar Creek Water and Sewer District
  4. Resolution for Funding Assistance for Gray's Creek Water and Sewer District
  5. Resolution for Funding Assistance for Overhills Water and Sewer System Regionalization Study
  6. Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Engineering Services for Ann Street Transfer Station
  7. Service Agreement with Smith Gardner, Inc. for Solid Waste Landfill Gas to Energy Evaluation
  8. Service Agreement with Smith Gardner, Inc. for Solid Waste Landfill Gas Routine Compliance Assistance
  9. Service Agreement with Smith Gardner, Inc. for Solid Waste Borrow Area Drilling
  10. Service Agreement with Smith Gardner, Inc. for Stormwater Improvements for Ammonia
  11. Service Agreement with Smith Gardner, Inc. for Solid Waste Annual Water Quality Monitoring & Reporting
  12. Service Agreement with Smith Gardner, Inc. for Solid Waste Stormwater Compliance Water

The following PUBLIC HEARINGS were held:

  1. Adoption of the North Central Area Land Use Plan: Rawls Howard, Director of Planning and Inspections, presented. Howard presented the proposed land use plan for the North Central Area of Cumberland County, which Planning Department staff developed in collaboration with area residents. The plan area is located to the north of the City of Fayetteville, south of the Harnett County border, east of the Town of Spring Lake’s Municipal Influence Area (MIA) and west of the Cape Fear River. It includes the Town of Linden and Shaw Heights community, and a population of approximately 17,000 residents. Following an in-depth community engagement process, the Cumberland County Joint Planning Board unanimously recommended approval of the plan at their June 18, 2024 meeting. The plan was also presented to the Town of Linden on July 16, 2024, and was adopted by their Board of Commissioners. For more information, visit https://north-central-area-land-use-plan-cumberlandgis.hub.arcgis.com/. The Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to a the adopt the plan.
  2. Section 5311 Grant Application and Approval of Submission of the FY26 Applications for the Community Transportation Program (Sections: 5311, 5310, 5307, ROAP) Grant Funds: Hank Graham, FAMPO Executive director, presented. As part of the annual operational funding of the Cumberland County Community Transportation Program (CTP), staff must request monetary grant allocations from the North Carolina Department of Transportation. This annual request funds the Cumberland County CTP Program which coordinates existing transportation programs operating in Cumberland County using local transportation providers. The funding period will run from July 1, 2025, to June 30, 2026. Funding will be used to provide trips to work, school, medical, and general errands. The administrative portion of the grants will be used for salaries and fringes of the Transportation Coordinator and the Transportation Assistants, office supplies, driver drug and alcohol testing, travel to meetings and conferences, program marketing for all services provided to County residents, legal advertising, and North Carolina Public Transportation Association (NCPTA) memberships. The Board voted unanimously to approve the grant application submissions.
  3. Community Development Program Year 2023 Draft Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER): Tye Vaught, Chief of Staff and Interim Community Development Director, presented. The Program Year 2023 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) was presented. The PY2023 CAPER provides detailed program accomplishments and an assessment of efforts in meeting the goals and objectives set forth in the Annual Action Plan for the period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. This document is available for public review and comment from Sept. 2-20, 2024 on the Community Development website at cumberlandcountync.gov/communitydevelopment under “Plans & Reports.” The final CAPER will be available at the Community Development office, the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners office, and on the County's website (cumberlandcountync.gov). The presentation served as a Public Hearing for the CAPER. There were no speakers.

Rezoning Cases

  1. CASE # ZON-24-0027: The applicant requested postponing the hearing for this case to the Dec. 16, 2024 Board of Commissioners Regular meeting.

The following ITEMS OF BUSINESS were discussed:

  1. Consideration of Crown Coliseum Elevator Renovation Contract Change Order #1: Jermaine Walker, Director of Engineering and Infrastructure, presented. On Dec. 18, 2023, the Board approved a contract with CMC Building Inc. for $522,870 for the modernization of the Crown Coliseum elevators. The project scope included replacement of elevator cab, cabling and controls for two elevators. Due to changes in the current elevator code, the project requires a change order for additional lighting in the elevator shaft, widening a doorway and a installing a new door in the equipment room, additional emergency signage and minor HVAC work. The cost for this additional work is $71,202.19, bringing the total project cost to $594,072.19. The Board unanimously approved the change order.
  2. Consideration of Design-Build Contract for Government Services Parking Deck: Jermaine Walker, Director of Engineering and Infrastructure, presented. Walker requested approval of a contract with Samet to provide design-build services for a parking deck, which will be located behind the Judge E. Maurice Braswell Cumberland County Courthouse and will provide sufficient parking capacity for several major County construction projects in the vicinity, make up for any parking displaced by these projects, and allow for future growth. The projected cost for the 1,100-stall, six-floor structure is $33M and completion is anticipated prior to the completion of the new Crown Event Center and before construction begins on the new Government Services Building. The contract is for Phase I preconstruction services to include design, pricing, and other services based on Owner’s Project Criteria. The cost is $1,998,627.00. The Board voted 5-to-1 to approve this item.
  3. Consideration of GMP-1 Amendment to Crown Event Center Construction Manager at Risk Contract: Jermaine Walker, Director of Engineering and Infrastructure, presented. On Sept. 18, 2023, the Board approved a contract with the joint venture of TA Loving/Metcon to provide preconstruction services for the Crown Event Center project. At the time, it was stated that at the end of the project's design phase, a GMP (guaranteed maximum price) amendment to the contract would be brought forward to finalize the cost for construction. Given the time-sensitive nature of this project, the Project Delivery Team recommended splitting it into three phases to avoid delays, with the first phase including sitework and demolition. Walker requested approval of a contract amendment to include the GMP-1 for sitework and demolition in the amount of $3,414,411. Approval of the amendment allows the project to transition into the construction phase. The contract will be further amended to incorporate bid results for the other two project phases into the GMP. The Board voted unanimously to approve the contract.
  4. Acceptance of the 2023 Local Emergency Shelter Capacity Grant Award and Associated Budget Ordinance Amendment #B250237: Garry Crumpler, Emergency Management Coordinator, presented. Crumpler requested approval to accept a 2023 Local Emergency Shelter Capacity (LESC) grant in the amount of $236,830 from the North Carolina Department of Public Safety (NCDPS) Emergency Management Division. The funding will be used to install a 90-kW generator with an automatic transfer switch at Cliffdale Recreation Center. No local match is required. The Board voted unanimously to accept the grant.

The following APPOINTMENTS were made:

  1. Board of Adjustment (4 Vacancies): The Board unanimously appointed Vickie Millins, Donald Brooks, Kenneth Turner and Veronica Mitchell-Rozier.
  2. Cumberland County Local Emergency Planning Committee (4 Vacancies): The Board unanimously appointed Colby Foster, Laura Smith, Harrison Combs and Marcia Tillman Bookhart.
  3. Fayetteville Area Convention and Visitor's Bureau Board of Directors (1 Vacancy): The Board unanimously appointed Nathan Ernst.
  4. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (2 Vacancies): The Board unanimously appointed Antonio Renteria and David Breece.
  5. Home and Community Care Block Grant Committee (1 Vacancy): The Board unanimously appointed Barbara Brooks.

The Board recessed the Board of Commissioners meeting and convened as the Gray’s Creek Water and Sewer District Governing Board to approve the following items as part of the CONSENT AGENDA.

  1. Resolution for Funding Assistance for Gray's Creek Water and Sewer District

The Board recessed Gray’s Creek Water and Sewer District Governing Board and convened as the Overhills Park Water and Sewer District Governing Board to approve the following items as part of the CONSENT AGENDA.

  1. Resolution for Funding Assistance for Overhills Water and Sewer System Regionalization Study

The Board adjourned the Overhills Park Water and Sewer District Governing Board meeting and reconvened the Board of Commissioners meeting.

The Board adjourned the meeting at 7:28 p.m.

Meetings are live streamed on CCNC-TV though the County’s website at cumberlandcountync.gov, YouTube Channel and on CCNCTV Spectrum Channel 5. All documents associated with this meeting can be found on the Cumberland County website to include meeting agendas, minutes and links to the videos under the Board of Commissioners tab.


You can also follow Cumberland County on social media by searching CumberlandCountyNC.




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    Phone: 910-438-4025

    226 Bradford Avenue
    Fayetteville, NC 28301

    Director: Diane B. Rice

    Contact Us

    Phone: 910-438-4025
    Director: Diane B. Rice

    226 Bradford Avenue
    Fayetteville, NC 28301