Any individual or business owning or possessing personal property used or connected with a business or other income producing purpose, is required to file a listing form with the Cumberland County Tax Office.
Business personal property is tangible assets that are used in conjunction with a business. These assets include machinery, computers, office equipment, furniture, supplies, signs, fixtures, spare parts, leasehold improvements, construction in progress, IRP (International Registration Plate), unlicensed and multi-year tag vehicles, etc.
The listing must be submitted during the month of January to avoid a 10% late list penalty. However, an extension may be granted until April 15, if the request is made online or in writing and is postmarked or submitted by January 31. If you have any questions concerning business personal property, please contact us.
Listing Forms and Instructions
Listed businesses should receive a pre-printed listing form in January. If you are a new business, or did not receive a pre-printed form, you can complete the Business Personal Property Listing Form and return to our office. You may view or download a copy of the Business Personal Property Listing instructions for further details.
After completing and signing the form, please submit by January 31 to:
ATTN: Assessment/Audit Division
Cumberland County Tax Administration
PO Box 449
Fayetteville, NC 28302-0449
Business Personal Property Email:
Note: Listing forms are currently not accepted electronically.