FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. – The following is a summary of the Feb. 13, 2025, Cumberland County Board of Commissioners Agenda Session, which was held at 1 p.m. in Room 564 of the Judge E. Maurice Braswell Cumberland County Courthouse. To view the agenda and supporting materials for this meeting, go to www.cumberlandcountync.gov/bocmeetingmaterials.
Vice Chairwoman Veronica Jones gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
1. The Board unanimously approved the AGENDA with the addition of Property Tax Revaluation Results Presented by Joe Utley, Taxy Administrator, as Item 3E.
2. The Board heard the following PRESENTATIONS:
A. USI Health Insurance Plan Update: Ed Boardman and Kevin Quinn, brokers with USI, the County’s Benefits Broker, provided an update on the county’s health insurance plan, covering financials, market trends, and items for decision related to the FY2026 plan renewal. The presentation included preliminary projections for the upcoming plan year along with updates on proposals for the County’s Onsite Employee Clinic and Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM). An additional update with recommendation plan changes will be presented at the March 13, 2025 Agenda Session, with a request for approval during the March 17, 2025 Board of Commissioners' meeting.
B. Community Health Needs Assessment Results: Dr. Jennifer Green, Public Health Director, presented results of the recently completed Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). This assessment helps health leaders evaluate the community's health, identify gaps, and guide the development of new programs, services, and policies. It was conducted incompliance with North Carolina Local Health Department Accreditation standards and IRS requirements for not-for-profit hospitals. The Cumberland County Department of Public Health and Cape Fear Valley Health System collaborated with Health ENC to complete the 2024 CHNA. Primary data was collected through a survey with 1,258 respondents. The three main priorities identified for the next three years are:
Behavioral Health – Mental Health & Substance Use
Maternal and Infant Health
Physical Health
The findings will be used to collaborate with community organizations and local residents to develop effective health strategies, new implementation plans and interventions, and action plans to improve the community.
3. The Board voted unanimously to move the following items to the Feb. 17, 2025, Regular Meeting for approval as part of the CONSENT AGENDA unless otherwise noted.
A. 2025 (FY2026) Federal Legislative Agenda: Sally Shutt, Assistant County Manager, along with Ron Hamm, Federal Lobbyist, presented the County's Federal Legislative Agenda for 2025, which sets priorities for the County’s federal advocacy. Mr. Hamm provided Commissioners with a federal legislative update. The County’s Proposed 2025 (FY2026) Federal Legislative Agenda included the following priorities:
Top Priority: Secure funding for safe, regulated drinking water in contaminated areas.
Mental Health & Substance Abuse: Secure funding and services for individuals with mental health and substance abuse challenges.
Landfill: Seek funding for infrastructure improvements, PFAS removal, and organic waste processing.
Public Safety: Prioritize funding for specialized training, detention facility improvements, and modern technology for the Sheriff’s Office.
Public Health-WIC Program Enhancement: Secure funding to maintain services and expand breastfeeding programs.
Social Services Child Welfare Initiatives: Support legislation for stronger child welfare services and improve funding for key programs.
Social Services Healthcare and Aging Services: Strengthen infrastructure for senior services and support aging-related federal initiatives.
Agriculture: Advocate for USDA payment reforms.
Workforce: Support childcare tax credits and provider assistance.
Transportation: Support the I-685/I-295 Cumberland County connection project.
Veterans: Secure additional funding for Veterans Services Offices.
Communications: Funding to ensure compliance with DOJ’s mandate for ADA-accessible content by April 2026 deadline
Commissioners provided feedback and voted to direct staff to bring this item back to the March 5, 2025, Regular Meeting with input from Commissioners.
B. Resolution in Support of State Legislative Agenda Items: Chairman deViere presented. On Feb. 10, 2025, the Board held a joint meeting with the Cumberland County state delegation. Based on feedback from that meeting, a resolution supporting the State Legislative Agenda was presented for Board consideration. The Board voted to bring this item to the Feb. 17, 2025 Regular Meeting for consideration as an Item of Business.
C. Rejection of Bids for Sheriff's Training Indoor Firing Range Replacement Project: Jermaine Walker, Engineering and Infrastructure Director, presented. On Nov. 18, 2024, the Board approved Range Systems as the lowest responsive bidder for the Sheriff’s Indoor Firing Range Replacement Project. However, it was later determined that the bid bond requirement was unclear, potentially impacting the bids received. After review, the Purchasing Division recommended rejecting all bids and resoliciting the project.
D. Cumberland County Detention Center Jail Health Plan: Heather Skeens, Assistant County Manager presented. The County has developed a comprehensive Jail Health Plan in compliance with N.C.G.S. 153A-225 and 10A NCAC 14J.1001, outlining the health services available to inmates. The plan includes procedures for inmate screenings, routine medical and mental health care, chronic illness management, emergency medical needs, medication control, and the confidentiality of medical records. Developed in collaboration with the Sheriff, Public Health Medical Director, Local Health Director, and the local medical society, the plan has received approval from all parties. The Board unanimously moved to move this item to the Feb. 17, 2025 Regular Meeting for adoption pending further review from the County Attorney.
E. Property Tax Revaluation Results: Joe Utley, Tax Administrator, presented an overview of the 2025 Property Tax Revaluation results. The revaluation, required every eight years, aims to update property values in line with current market conditions. Utley stated the countywide average property value has increased by 64.7% since the 2017 revaluation and provided a further breakdown between commercial and residential properties, as well as the County’s municipalities. Notices will be mailed on Feb. 21,2025. Property owners with questions or those wishing to submit an appeal will be able to contact the Tax Office at a special Call Center at 910-678-7800 or email taxrealestate@cumberlandcountync.gov. Additional information is also available on Revaluation FAQ page of the Cumberland County website, and the Tax Office is working with the County’s Public Information Office to implement a communications plan related to the revaluation. In addition to these items, Chairman deViere directed the County Manager to look into the feasibility of moving to a 6-year or 4-year revaluation period in the future and begin tracking the appeal percentage going forward.
4. The following COMMITTEE REPORTS were presented:
A. ARPA Committee Report: Committee Chair and Vice Chairwoman Veronica Jones presented.
B. Policy Committee Report: Committee Chair Henry Tyson presented.
C. Finance Committee Report: Committee Chair Pavan Patel presented.
5. Commissioners received the following MONTHLY REPORTS in their agenda packet:
A. Wellpath, LLC Quarterly Statistical Report on Inmate Health Care
B. Project Updates
The Board adjourned the meeting at 4:15 p.m.
Board of Commissioners regular meetings and agenda sessions are live streamed on CCNC-TV though the County’s website at cumberlandcountync.gov, YouTube Channel and on CCNCTV Spectrum Channel 5. All documents associated with this meeting can be found on the Cumberland County website to include meeting agendas, minutes and links to the videos under the Board of Commissioners tab.