FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. – The following is a summary of the March 17, 2025, Cumberland County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, which was held at 6:45 p.m. in the Historic Courtroom of the Cumberland County Historic Courthouse, located at 130 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville. To view the agenda and supporting materials for this meeting, go to www.cumberlandcountync.gov/bocmeetingmaterials.
The meeting was held in the Historic Courthouse in recognition of the 99th anniversary of the Historic Courthouse’s completion, which coincides with the 200th anniversary of the Marquis de LaFayette’s visit to the area. The Historic Courtroom has not been used for court proceedings since the 1970s but is still used for meetings by the Cumberland County Planning & Inspections Department.
Pastor Dr. Christoppher Stackhouse of the Lewis Chapel Missionary Baptist Church gave the invocation.
Anne Provencher, President of the Cumberland County Veterans Council, led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Sterling Kelly and Rylan Mack, both members of the Fayetteville Cumberland Youth Council (FCYC), updated the Board on their recent trip to Washington D.C. to attend the National League of Cities Congressional City Conference. Five FCYC members attended the conference and had the opportunity to speak with elected officials, attend classes and workshops, and meet with their peers from other youth councils throughout the country. Learn more about the Fayetteville Cumberland Youth Council at fcycnc.org.
The Board unanimously approved the AGENDA, removing Item 3M-1 “Fiscal Year 2026 Health Insurance Benefits Plan Change” to be considered as an Item of Business, and adding a Closed Session to discuss a matter of Attorney-Client Privilege.
The Board heard the following PRESENTATIONS:
A. Women’s History Month: Vice Chairwoman Veronica Jones introduced a video honoring women in Cumberland County Government and the N.C. Courts system. The video featured women in elected leadership positions in Cumberland County including Vice Chairwoman Jones and Commissioner Dr. Jeannette Council, Register of Deeds Andra Brewington and Clerk of Court Lisa Scales. It also included women who serve as Assistant County Managers and County department heads, as well as those currently serving as judges within the county.
B. Historic Courthouse: Joseph Westendorf, Cumberland County Public Library Local & State History Manager, presented “Cumberland County and Its Courthouses: A Short History” in recognition of the 99th anniversary of the Historic Courthouse. The first courthouse was established in 1754 in what is now the Town of Linden. James Square Courthouse served as the county courthouse for over a century. The Historic Courthouse opened in 1926. The Judge E. Maurice Braswell Cumberland County Courthouse opened in 1978. Learn more about the State and Local History room at Headquarters Library by visiting cumberlandcountync.gov/library.
The Board voted unanimously to approve the following CONSENT AGENDA items unless otherwise noted:
A. Approval of a Proclamation Recognizing the 99th Anniversary of the Historic Courthouse
B. Approval of a Proclamation Recognizing the Bicentennial Anniversary of the Marquis de LaFayette’s visit to Cumberland County and honoring the LaFayette Society
C. Approval of a Proclamation Recognizing March 2025 as Social Worker Month in Cumberland County
D. Approval of a Proclamation Recognizing March 29, 2025 as Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day in Cumberland County
E. Approval of a Proclamation Recognizing March 29, 2025 as Gold Star Family Day in Cumberland County
F. Approved of Approval of a Proclamation Recognizing World Water Day in Cumberland County
G. Consideration of proposed schedule for Fiscal Year 2026 Budget Work Session and Public Hearing
H. Approval of Animal Services Intergovernmental Support Agreement (IGSA) with Fort Bragg
I. Approval to pay prior year invoices
J. Approval of contract amendment for aerial mosquito spray stand-by contract with Allen Aviation Inc.
K. Approval of resolution supporting NC Division of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention legislative requests for Increased recurring funding for Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC)
L. Approval of Communications Policy for the Cumberland County Board of Commissioners: This item was removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as an Item of Business (5D).
M. Approval of Budget Ordinance Amendments for the March 17, 2025 Board of Commissioners’ agenda
Approval of Cumberland County Board of Commissioners Agenda Session items: Fiscal Year 2026 Health Insurance Benefits Plan Change. This item was removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as an Item of Business (5C).
The following PUBLIC HEARINGS were held:
A. Consideration of incentives for Project Crossfit: Robert Patton, Executive Vice President of the Fayetteville-Cumberland Economic Development Corporation (FCEDC), presented. A public hearing was held on the grant of economic development incentives for Project Crossfit, a company that manufactures air domes. The company is considering 14 acres of land on Aviation Parkway for its headquarters and manufacturing facility. The proposed incentive would not exceed $88,170 to be paid over five years. The proposed project would:
Create 72 new full-time jobs by 2027 with an average wage exceeding $47,724.
Construct a new manufacturing facility approximately 50,000 – 74,000 square feet in size.
Over the next 10 years, Cumberland County is projected to receive more than $227,000 in new tax revenue from the project.
Employee wages would contribute more than $3.5 million annually to the local economy.
The Board unanimously approved the local incentive grant as presented.
B. Rezoning Case # ZON-25-0002: Rezoning from A1 Agricultural District to A1A Agricultural District or to a more restrictive zoning district for a 1.75 +/- acre portion of a 3.91+/- acre parcel, located on the eastside of Ramsey Street, north of Linden, submitted by Lisa Clifton (agent) on behalf of Todd and Stephen Clifton (owners). The Board unanimously approved the rezoning request.
C. Rezoning Case # ZON-24-0042: Rezoning from A1 Agricultural District to R15 Residential District or to a more restrictive zoning district for two parcels comprising 20.06 +/- acres, located south of Sharon Church Road and east of Turnbull Road, submitted by Mike Adams (agent) on behalf of the Jefe Trust (owner). The Board voted unanimously to deny the rezoning request.
D. Rezoning Case # ZON-25-0001: Rezoning from A1A Agricultural District to R30A Residential District or to a more restrictive zoning district for 3.51 +/- acres; located at the southeast corner of the Burnett and Norris roads intersection, submitted by John Roberson (owner). The Board voted 6-1 to approve the rezoning request.
The following ITEMS OF BUSINESS were discussed including:
A. Water Services Agreement for Gray’s Creek Phase 1: General Manager for Natural Resources, Amanda Lee, presented. On Feb. 24, 2025, Cumberland County staff, consulting engineers, and Fayetteville Public Works Commission (PWC) met with the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Water Infrastructure (DWI) to discuss the timeline and funding deadlines for Phase 1 of the Gray's Creek Water System Development Project. The County’s project will provide water to about 180 properties affected by PFAS contamination. PWC has a separate project to extend water to Gray’s Creek and Alderman Road Elementary schools. The Board of Commissioners previously approved providing filtration systems at both schools as a preliminary measure to address contamination. NCDEQ requires an executed Water Services Agreement for Phase 1 be submitted with the final engineering report by March 24, 2025. The Board of Commissioners Infrastructure Committee voted on March 6 to move the item to the March 17, 2025, regular meeting for consideration. The Board voted unanimously to approve the water agreement, whereby the Gray’s Creek phase 1 will connect to PWC’s water main being constructed to the schools.
B. Request for One-Half of Excise Tax for Duplicate Recording: County Attorney Rick Moorefield presented. Attorney Jennifer K. Fincher requested a refund of one-half of the excise tax paid for a duplicate recording of a deed. The deed was first recorded Sept. 18, 2024 and a duplicate was recorded Sept. 19, 2024. The excise tax for each recording was $417. Excise tax is equally split between the county and the state. The Register of Deeds has recommended the refund for the duplicate recording be granted in the total amount of $208.50. The Board voted unanimously to approve the refund and adopt the resolution as presented by the County Attorney.
C. Fiscal Year 2026 Health Insurance Benefits Plan Change: Robin Koonce, Finance Director, presented health insurance renewal options for the 2025-2026 plan year. This was the final update from USI regarding the Fiscal Year 2026 renewal following presentations at work sessions in January and February. There is a projected 11.3 percent increase for FY26 based on FY25 year-to-date actuals, which would represent a total renewal cost of $31,972,064 or $3,245,678 above FY25. USI recommended increasing premiums for County employees by the 11.3 percent but also increasing the County’s wellness premium discount from $30 to $50 per month, resulting in an estimated $415,191 in savings for the County. The Board voted unanimously to allow USI to move forward with renewals prior to open enrollment in May.
D. Approval of Communications Policy for the Cumberland County Board of Commissioners: Brian Haney, Assistant County Manager, presented. At the request of the Chairman, the Cumberland County Public Information Office (PIO) created a draft Communications Policy for the Board of Commissioners. The intent of the policy is to establish clear and consistent procedures for PIO coverage of the Board and its members in their official capacity, as well as the use of photos, press releases, social media, and other communications related to Board of Commissioners meetings and events, and County-related activities. The Board voted 5-2 to approve the policy.
NOMINATIONS: There were no nominations for consideration at this meeting.
APPOINTMENTS: There were no appointments for consideration at this meeting.
The Board recessed the Board of Commissioners meeting and convened as the Gray’s Creek Water and Sewer District Governing Board.
The following ITEMS OF BUSINESS were discussed:
A. Water Services Agreement for Gray's Creek Phase 1: The Board unanimously approved the agreement.
The Board adjourned the Gray’s Creek Water and Sewer District Governing Board meeting and reconvened the Board of Commissioners meeting.
The Board went into CLOSED SESSION to discuss and Attorney Client Matter Pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(3).
After coming out of Closed Session, the Board voted unanimously to ratify a contract with Hutchens Law Firm to investigate the contracts and financials related to the Crown Event Center project. This follows a vote on March 6 to suspend work on the project for no more than 30 days for the purpose of reviewing and investigating the project’s scope, schedule and budget.
The Board adjourned the meeting at 9:08 p.m.
Board of Commissioners regular meetings and agenda sessions are live streamed on CCNC-TV though the County’s website at cumberlandcountync.gov, YouTube Channel and on CCNC-TV Spectrum Channel 5. All documents associated with this meeting can be found on the Cumberland County website to include meeting agendas, minutes and links to the videos under the Board of Commissioners tab.