Cumberland County Solid Waste is cleaning up outside Fayetteville on Saturday, Sept. 18 as part of their countywide litter pickup initiative called “Cumberland Clean.”
This is the second time a countywide litter pickup has taken place. Volunteers are invited to help clean up areas of the county outside of Fayetteville on Saturday, Sept. 18, between 8 a.m. and noon. The event coincides with the Fayetteville Beautiful clean-up and Spring Lake clean-up events.
Registration for Cumberland Clean is now open. Email Karen Hall at or call 910-321-6929 to sign up and confirm your attendance and receive a clean-up location. Please specify how many people will be in your group and if there will be youth attending. All participants will receive a trash bag, reusable litter bag, an event T-shirt, water and hand sanitizer. Registered volunteers can pick up these items before the event at the Ann Street Landfill between Sept. 13 - 17 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Event Day
Volunteers can also pick up their items the day of the event from 8:00-9:30 a.m. in front of the Judge E. Maurice Braswell Cumberland County Courthouse. Organizers will be in the front parking lot along Gillespie Street to confirm your clean-up locations. Participants who received their items before the event day can go directly to their cleanup location.
Participants are encouraged to wear a mask and practice social distancing while cleaning up areas of the county. Volunteers are asked to leave their bags at their assigned clean-up site when they are finished. Solid Waste crews will remove them and take them to a county container site. For more information on anti-litter pickup in Cumberland County, visit