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Emergency Services Receives Grant for More Smoke Alarms

Sep 14, 2021, 08:27 AM by User Not Found

Cumberland County Emergency Services received a $4,989 grant from South River Electric Membership Corporation’s (EMC) Operation Round Up program.

South River EMC’s Operation Round Up program issues grants through a competitive process. The program has helped organizations purchase equipment, informational materials and more.

The funds will go towards smoke alarms which will be distributed to residents for free in the county. Firefighters will install the devices in residents’ homes. During installations, fire crews will complete a home safety risk assessment form by doing an interior and exterior inspection and ensuring the resident has an evacuation and disaster preparedness plan in case of an emergency.

Residents can request a smoke detector for their home by contacting the volunteer fire station in their district. To find the closest one, visit cumberlandcountync.gov/emergencyservices/fire-marshal and use the Fire Station Lookup tool, then call the station to schedule a day and time to have a smoke alarm installed.

“We’re so grateful for this grant which will allow us to get about 350 additional smoke alarms,” said Fire Marshal Kevin Lowther. “Emergency Services is planning to canvass various neighborhoods within the county to ensure residents can have a smoke alarm.”

In March, Cumberland County Emergency Services received a $5,000 donation from The Hartford Insurance Group’s Fire Prevention and Safety Grant Program. Emergency Services also partnered with the Cumberland County Fire Chief’s Association and requested a donation of nearly $5,000 for additional smoke alarms. Emergency Services used the funds to purchase the alarms and 19 volunteer fire departments distributed them.

For more information about Emergency Services, visit cumberlandcountync.gov/emergencyservices or their Facebook page.