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*UPDATE* Registration Begins for Fayetteville Beautiful and Cumberland Clean

Apr 6, 2022, 10:41 AM by User Not Found

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. – Cumberland County Solid Waste and the City of Fayetteville invite volunteers to help clean up Cumberland County on Saturday, April 23, starting at 8 a.m. during the Fayetteville Beautiful and Cumberland Clean event.

These two events happen twice a year and are initiatives aimed to pick up litter. More than 500 volunteers participated in the most recent Fall event. They covered 100 miles of streets and collected more than five tons of litter.

These events coincide with National Volunteer Week which is recognized from April 17-23. This year’s theme of “Better Together” hopes to inspire each community to work together and create a better society.

Additionally, Hope Mills and Spring Lake are hosting cleanup events on April 23. 

The Spring Lake Spring Clean Up event will take place from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. following SLPD Torch Run.  Volunteers will need to meet at the Spring Lake Recreation Center, 245 Ruth Street to kick off the cleanup.  For any questions concerning the Annual Spring Lake Spring Clean Up event or to register, email stormwater@townofspringlake.com

The Hope Mills Spring Litter Sweep event will take place from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. in and around the Hope Mills area.  Volunteers making this community beautiful will meet at the Hope Mills Recreation Center, 5770 Rockfish Road prior to the event.  To register, visit http://townofhopemills.com/472/Clean-Up-Events and create a free account. For question or additional information, please contact Ms. Shawnelle Jones at sjones@townofhopemills.com or by calling (910) 426-4060.

Registration for both events are now open:

Fayetteville Beautiful:

  • Register online at fayettevillebeautiful.com.  Scroll down to the active map, select a cleanup location and click “Register.”
  • Group representatives should include number of volunteers in the online form.

Cumberland Clean:

  • Register by emailing Tim Middleton at tmiddleton@co.cumberland.nc.us or call 910-321-6907. He will confirm your attendance and receive a cleanup location.
  • Please specify how many people will be in your group and if youth will participate.

For each event, participants will receive trash bags, an event T-shirt, and water for participating. Cumberland Clean volunteers will also receive gloves, a reusable litter bag, and hand sanitizer.

Registered Cumberland Clean volunteers can pick up these items before the event at the Ann Street Landfill from April 13 - 17 between the hours of 8 a.m.- 4 p.m.

Event Day: Saturday, April 23

Cumberland Clean:

  • 8:00 – 9:30 a.m.: Participants should drive into the marked entrance in front of the Judge E. Maurice Braswell Courthouse. Organizers will be in the front parking lot along Gillespie Street to confirm cleanup locations. Participants can go directly to their cleanup location if they have received their items before the event day.
  • 8:00 a.m. – Noon: County-wide cleanup—volunteers will pick up trash and waste from designated areas.
  • Once the cleanup is finished, volunteers are asked to leave their trash bags at their assigned cleanup site.
  • Solid Waste crews will remove the trash bags and take them to one of the County’s 17 container sites.

Fayetteville Beautiful:

  • 9-11 a.m.: Participants should drive into the marked entrance at Bragg Boulevard and Walter Street. Turn on Hillsboro Street to receive the designated supplies. Organizers will distribute equipment to each driver and will confirm your cleanup location. Participants should stay inside their vehicles.
  • 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.: Citywide cleanup—volunteers will pick up trash and waste from designated areas.
  • Volunteers should place litterbags, with trash inside, on the side of the road or at intersections near cleanup areas.
  • Fayetteville-Cumberland Parks and Recreation and City Public Services crews will pick up litterbags.

The City of Fayetteville , Fayetteville Beautiful, Fayetteville-Cumberland Parks and Recreation and Sustainable Sandhills are the event partners in the Fayetteville Beautiful event.

Visit cumberlandcountync.gov/solidwaste for more information about Cumberland Clean and other anti-litter campaigns.