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“Cumberland Clean” and “Ann Street Reimagined” Presented to Commissioners

Oct 3, 2022, 10:51 AM by User Not Found

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. – The Cumberland County Board of Commissioners received a presentation on the Cumberland Clean anti-litter program and the updates taking place at the Ann Street Landfill from the Cumberland County Solid Waste Director, Amanda Bader during their regular meeting at 9:00 a.m. today, in Room 118 of the Judge E. Maurice Braswell Cumberland County Courthouse.

Cumberland County Solid Waste is sponsoring a Cumberland Clean litter pickup event that will coincide withthe Fayetteville Beautiful event on Saturday, Oct. 8, 2022 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Cumberland Clean is inits second year and this event will mark its fourth litter pickup. To volunteer for this event, please sign up byclicking the Cumberland Clean banner on the County’s website at cumberlandcountync.gov.

Additionally, the commissioners heard about, and were invited to, the Ann Street Landfill ribbon cutting ceremony for the opening of its new scalehouse from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Wednesday, October 12, 2022. Solid Waste has been working to improve the efficiency, sustainability and the overall customer experience at the Ann Street Landfill, and this effort has been dubbed “Ann Street Reimagined.” New scales with the associated scale house and a new residential convenience center are at the heart of the “Ann Street Reimagined” concept, along with enhanced traffic flow and beautification of the site. The public is invited to attend the ceremony.

The other presentation was the Proclamation Recognizing October as Global Diversity Awareness Month in Cumberland County. The County’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee (DEIAC) requested approval of the proclamation, which was presented by DEIAC co-convener and the County’s General Manager of Financial Services Vicki Evans, and which the Board approved unanimously.

The Board of Commissioners approved the Consent Agenda at this meeting:

    • Fiscal Year 2022 Audit Planning Letter from Cherry Bekaert LLP Approval of Contract Amendment for Disaster Debris Monitoring With Tetra Tech, Inc.
    • Approval of Formal Bid Award and Contract Approval for Disaster Debris Collection
    • Services Stand-By Contract
    • Approval of Declaration of Surplus County Property, Budget Ordinance Amendment #B230878 and Authorization to Accept Insurance Settlement
    • Approval of Formal Bid Award for the Conference Center AV DSS Project for Innovation and Technology Services Department
    • Acceptance of Offer to Purchase Surplus Property Located at 116 Rainbow Court, Spring Lake
    • Acceptance of Offer to Purchase Surplus Property Located at 625 Chapel Hill Road, Spring Lake
    • Acceptance of Offer to Purchase Surplus Property Located at 1716 Stanberry Court, Fayetteville
    • Approval of Sale of Surplus Real Property Located at 521 Martin Road, Fayetteville
    • Approval of Sale of Surplus Real Property Located at 6341 Rutherglen Drive, Fayetteville
    • Approval of Budget Ordinance Amendments for the October 3, 2022 Board of Commissioners' Agenda

The Board went into closed session to discuss Attorney-Client Matter(s) and Real Property Acquisition pursuant to NCGS 143.318.11(a)(3).

Please visit cumberlandcountync.gov/departments/commissioners-group/commissioners/meetings/agendas-minutes-and-videos for the meeting notes concerning this meeting and other Board of Commissioners’ meetings.

To watch the meeting and listen to the entire discussion between meeting participants of the Board of Commissioners’ Agenda Session, please visit YouTube.com/CumberlandCountyNC and for more information about Cumberland County government, visit cumberlandcountync.gov. You can also follow the county on social media by searching CumberlandCountyNC.