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Cumberland County Commissioners Regular Meeting Wrap-Up

Jun 5, 2023, 14:17 PM by Jon Soles
The following is a summary of the Cumberland County Board of Commissioners meeting, which was held June 5, 2023, in the Cumberland County Courthouse.

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. – The following is a summary of the Cumberland County Board of Commissioners meeting, which was held June 5, 2023, at 9 a.m. in Room 118 of the Judge E. Maurice Braswell Cumberland County Courthouse.

Commissioners recognized Public Health Director Dr. Jennifer Green and her staff as the Cumberland County Department of Public Health received its accreditation with honors status from the Accreditation Board during its meeting on May 19, 2023. The accreditation is good through 2027.

The Health Department was also recognized for receiving the 2023 National Network of Public Health Institutes (NNPHI) Public Health Innovation Award as part of the Fort Bragg Public Health Partnership. The awards program recognizes outstanding individuals and organizations that have made exemplary contributions to improving the public’s health. The partnership was formed in 2019 between the Cumberland County Department of Public Health, Fort Bragg Department of Public Health, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, the University of Virginia and the North Carolina Tobacco Prevention and Control Branch. The partnership began with an initial focus on tobacco control and prevention efforts, but has grown to encompass other health issues across the installation. The award committee was particularly excited about the partnership with the military and strategies implemented to address food insecurity, notably the installation of a WIC office on Fort Bragg in March 2023.

The Board unanimously approved the following items as part of the CONSENT AGENDA, except where noted below:

  1. Approval of Budget Ordinance Amendment #B230290 for ARP Freed Up Capacity Projects
  2. Approval of Health Department Delinquent Accounts to be Turned Over to the NC Debt Set-Off Program
  3. Approval of FY23 Community Transportation Program (CTP) Contract Amendment for FAMIKS Transport Inc.
  4. Approval of Contract Agreement for Consulting Services with Kittelson & Associates, Inc. for Fayetteville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (FAMPO)
  5. Approval of Contract Agreement for Consulting Services with AECOM Technical Services of NC, Inc. for Fayetteville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (FAMPO) – This item was removed from the Consent Agenda and was approved in a 4-to-2 vote.
  6. Approval of Proclamation Recognizing Fort Liberty – This item was removed from the Consent Agenda by Vice Chairman Glenn Adams, who said he did not want the item to get lost in the Consent Agenda and that he felt it was important for the community to know the County supports the U.S. Military in their transition of Fort Bragg to Fort Liberty. Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the proclamation.
  7. Approval of Sale of Surplus Real Property Located At 2308 Slater Avenue, Fayetteville
  8. Approval of Sale of Surplus Real Property Located At 1266 Coley Drive, Fayetteville
  9. Acceptance of Offer to Purchase Surplus Property Located at 2618 Graham Road, Fayetteville
  10. Approval of Onsite Fuel Supply Contract Amendment for Solid Waste
  11. Approval of Budget Ordinance Amendments for the June 5, 2023, Board of Commissioners' Agenda

Items of Business:

  1. Consideration of Approval of the Cumberland County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) Funding Allocations for July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 – The Cumberland County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) annually submits the JCPC Program funding recommendations to the Board of Commissioners for approval prior to submitting to the State Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice (DACJJ) Office. Cumberland County is projected to receive $1,119,291 in state dollars for FY2024 and is recommending funding for 11 local programs. The Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve this item.
  2. Health Care Delivery Services at the Cumberland County Detention Center – A Detention Center Healthcare RFP was issued on Feb. 13, 2023, and one vendor response was received. On April 17, the Cumberland County Board of Commissioners voted to reject all bids and re-bid. A revised RFP was issued on April 19, 2023, with proposals due on May 18. Three vendors submitted proposals and a staff review panel recommended the selection of Wellpath LLC based on the best overall value method. The current provider’s agreement with the County terminates on June 30, 2023. County Manager Clarence Grier stated that the Health Department has agreed to step in for up to six months until a contract with the selected provider is finalized. Commissioners voted 5-to-1 to award the bid to Wellpath LLC contingent on staff working with the selected vendor to determine what aspects of their proposal are required and develop a contract for Board consideration.

  3. Joint Fort Bragg and Cumberland County Food Policy Council Name Change – The Board of Commissioners approved a Resolution to establish the Joint Fort Bragg and Cumberland County Food Policy Council on June 21, 2021. Following the change of Fort Bragg’s name to Fort Liberty, staff recommended the Board vote to change the council’s name to the Joint Fort Liberty and Cumberland County Food Policy Council. The Board voted unanimously to approve this item.

Chairwoman Dr. Toni Stewart recessed the Board of Commissioners meeting and convened the Board as the NORCRESS Water and Sewer District Governing Board to consider the following item:

  1. Approval of Condemnation of NORCRESS Lift Station Lot – Upgrades being made to the NORCRESS sanitary sewer system require expansion of the lift station lot adjoining U.S. Highway 301 (Dunn Road) on the property of George and Ruby Bullard. Efforts to purchase the property were not successful. NORCRESS must commence the project and the expansion of this lift station is crucial to the project. The County attorney recommended the Board, acting as the governing board of NORCRESS Water and Sewer District, adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Condemnation of Certain Land for Public Use as a Lift Station for the NORCRESS Sanitary Sewer System. The Board voted unanimously to approve the Resolution to condemn the property for the appraised value of $825.

Cumberland County Board of Commissioners meetings are streamed live on CCNCTV (Spectrum Channel 5),  the County’s website cumberlandcountync.gov and the County’s YouTube channel at youtube.com/CumberlandCountyNC.