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Cumberland County Commissioners Agenda Session Wrap-Up

Jun 19, 2023, 15:43 PM by Jon Soles
The following is a summary of the June 8, 2023, Cumberland County Board of Commissioners Agenda Session, which was held in Room 564 of the Judge E. Maurice Braswell Cumberland County Courthouse.

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. – The following is a summary of the June 8, 2023, Cumberland County Board of Commissioners Agenda Session, which was held at 1 p.m. in Room 564 of the Judge E. Maurice Braswell Cumberland County Courthouse. To view the agenda and supporting materials for this meeting, go to www.cumberlandcountync.gov/bocmeetingmaterials.

The Board received the following Presentations:

  1. Update on Ann Street Landfill Capacity and Disposal Options – Environmental Justice Report – Cumberland County General Manager for Natural Resources Amanda Bader and Sabrina Colon with HDR provided an update on the Ann Street Landfill expansion project following a community meeting for the project that was held on March 2, 2023, and public comment period from March 2 to 17. Outreach for the project included postcard mailings, email, social media, legal advertisement, website update, press release, hotline voicemail, voice and SMS messages through Cumberland Alerts, yard signs and phone calls. Colon provided a summary of the public meeting and the final Environmental Justice Report that includes mitigation strategies based on information gathered during the public comment period. Next steps include more targeted outreach to discuss possible mitigation strategies.
  2. Recovery Shelter Generator Project Post-Event Update – Engineering & Infrastructure Director Jermaine Walker provided an update on a project to install generators at five post-event recovery shelters used during severe weather and other emergency situations. Staff recommended installing generators at five shelter locations including Mac Williams Middle School, WT Brown Elementary School, South View High School, Pine Forest High School and Westover Recreation Center at an estimated a cost of $3.6 million. The Board previously approved funding for the project through the County’s freed-up American Rescue Plan capacity. Walker said lead times for generators is currently 52 to 56 weeks and installation at school sites would need to take place during times the schools are not in session. Based on those constraints, he said the goal is to complete the project no later than the end of next summer, however that have been and are options to provide temporary power to those facilities if needed prior to the completion date.

The Board voted unanimously to move the following items forward to the June 19, 2023, regular meeting to be approved as part of the Consent Agenda, unless otherwise noted below:

  1. Financial Policies Policy Revision and Budget Ordinance Amendment #B230001 to Transfer Funds to the Capital Investment Fund – During the Jan. 10, 2023 Board of Commissioners' meeting, the financial statement presentation included a recommendation to defer the consideration to transfer general fund balance in excess of 15% (minus adjustments) to the Capital Investment Fund as well as a revision to the Financial Policies. The Board took action to defer until June when more information about the Classification and Compensation Plan and the method of sales tax distribution would be known. The fiscal year 2024 budget has been adopted and included information about the Classification and Compensation Plan implementation. An amended Interlocal Sales Tax Agreement has now been approved. Therefore, the recommended amount to be transferred is $21,308,340 and has not changed from the Jan. 10, 2023 presentation. In addition, approval is being requested to modify the Financial Policies language to allow for adjustments to the calculation of the fund balance transfer based on known impacts to general fund balances.
  2. Fiscal Year 2023 Audit Contract Amendment – In order to ensure the FY2023 financial report is completed in time to meet the Local Government Commission’s reporting deadline, staff is requesting to increase the County’s FY2023 Contract to Audit Accounts with Cherry Bekaert by $27,500 to allow the firm’s report writing division to write the County’s financial reports as part of the FY2023 audit. Financial Services staff were planning to write the reports internally, however a project that would allow for this process to be completed internally will not be completed in time to allow staff to be able to write the financial statements for the FY2023 audit before having to begin audit work.
  3. FY24 Community Transportation Program (CTP) Service Contract Extension –The Community Transportation Program (CTP) currently contracts with four service providers to provide transportation for Cumberland County residents in rural, unincorporated areas of the county. The contracts, which expire June 30, 2023, allow for the contracts to be extended for up to two additional years. Staff requests to extend the contracts for an additional year through June 30, 2024.
  4. Recommendation for Contract for Outside Attorney Services for DSS – Due to current staffing vacancies, the Cumberland County Department of Social Services is requesting to contract with outside counsel to assist the department’s Legal Division with caseload coverage. An informal request for proposals (RFP) was issued with a deadline of June 5, 2023. Due to the short turnaround time of the RFP process, the Board voted unanimously not to move this item forward to the June 19 meeting and to instead conduct a new RFP process that allows additional time to receive proposals.
  5. Bid Award for Corporation Drive Outfall Project – On March 15, 2023, the County solicited bids for the Phase I – Construction of the first half of the Corporation Drive Sanitary Sewer Outfall project. The bidding period closed on April 20, 2023, with the County receiving five qualifying bids. Jymco Construction Company was determined to be the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. The project is funded by a grant from the North Carolina Department of Commerce. Staff is requesting approval of the bid award for Phase I to Jymco Construction Company and to allow the Chairwoman to execute the contract once it is reviewed for pre-audit and legal sufficiency.
  6. Bid Award for Law Enforcement Center and Historic Courthouse Switchgear Projects – On March 13, 2023, Cumberland County advertised for bids for the Cumberland County Law Enforcement Center and Historic Courthouse Electrical Service Equipment Replacement. The bid period closed on April 13, 2023, with only two responsive bidders. On May 9, 2023, Addendum 1 was published, effectively readvertising the request for bidders with the new bid period closing on May 17, 2023. During the second solicitation, the County received sealed bids from three responsive bidders. Nationwide Electrical Services, Incorporated, was determined to be the lowest responsive and responsible bidder with a base bid of $208,900 for the Law Enforcement Center switchgear and the Alternate of $102,000 for the Historic Courthouse switchgear. Staff is requesting approval of the bid award for the project to Nationwide Electrical Services Inc. and to allow the Chairwoman to execute the contract once it is reviewed for pre-audit and legal sufficiency.
  7. Request for Proposals (RFP) for Solid Waste Transfer, Transport, and Disposal Services – Ann Street Landfill will be out of capacity in 2030. The chosen course of action is to construct a transfer station and divert solid waste now while the balefill is being mined. A Request for Proposals was issued to solicit proposals from firms for hauling and disposal. The County received four proposals from qualified vendors with permitted disposal facilities. Staff determined that the lowest, responsive bid was submitted by Greenfor Life Environmental (GFL) in the amount of $20 per ton for hauling and $25 per ton for disposal at their facility in Sampson County. Staff are requesting the Board award the bid to GFL and grant staff permission to enter negotiations for a detailed scope of work for hauling and disposal of solid waste to the GFL facility in Sampson County and prepare a contract for approval at a future Board meeting.
  8. Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Transfer Station Construction – Related to the Ann Street Landfill expansion project, staff are proposing to construct a transfer station using the Design Build delivery method. A request for qualifications (RFQ) was issued for Design Build services. The County received three responses and staff determined TA Loving Company Inc. to be the most qualified responder. Staff are requesting the Board award the project to TA Loving and authorize the County Manager to negotiate the scope of services for the project and prepare a contract that includes Phase I Design Services and Early Bid Package in the amount of $975,000 for approval at a future Board meeting.
  9. Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Hydrogeological Services – On May 15, 2023, the Public Utilities Division advertised a Request for Qualifications from qualified engineering firms that provide Hydrogeological Services. The County is seeking a qualified consultant to assist with ongoing study, assessment, evaluation, and development of groundwater for public drinking water development in Gray’s Creek. The firm selected would assist the County with identifying potential well lots, raw water main routes, test well development and well construction and inspection services for these wellfields. Firms had until May 26, 2023, to submit their Statement of Qualifications. Staff members are requesting the Board select of HDR Engineering Inc. of the Carolinas to perform these services and grant permission to enter negotiations for a detailed scope of work and cost of services and prepare a contract for approval at a future Board meeting. This item was approved in a 6-to-1 vote and will be placed on the June 19 meeting as an Item of Business.
  10. Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Water Resources Study – On May 15, 2023, the Public Utilities Division advertised a Request for Qualifications from qualified engineering firms that provide Hydrogeological Services. The County is seeking a qualified consultant to assist with ongoing study, assessment, evaluation, and development of a new water source for public drinking water development beyond the Gray’s Creek district. The firm selected would assist the County with the water resources study that will be in the format of a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER). Firms had until May 26, 2023, to submit their Statement of Qualifications. Two firms responded to the RFQ and staff are requesting the Board select HDR Engineering Inc. of the Carolinas and grant permission toe enter negotiations for a detailed scope of work and cost of services, and prepare a contract for approval at a future Board meeting. This item was approved in a 6-to-1 vote and will be placed on the June 19 meeting as an Item of Business.
  11. Bid Award for 2023 Landfill Gas System Expansion for Cell 9 – The landfill gas collection and control system (GCCS) extracts landfill gas to control surface emissions and odors. The GCCS is a requirement of the landfill's Title V Air Operating Permit and state and federal regulations. Since Cell 9 of the Subtitle D landfill has been in operation for nearly five years, it is necessary to construct gas collection in the cell for compliance with the air quality permit. The landfill gas expansion project was originally bid on May 3, 2023, with only two bids received. The project was re-advertised on May 9, 2023, and bids were due May 25, 2023. Two bids were received. Advance One Development, LLC provided the lowest base bid at $616,485. Staff is requesting awarding the bid for the 2023 Landfill Gas System Expansionto Advance One Development LLC in the amount of $616,485.

In other business, County Manager Clarence Grier provided Commissioners with an update on “Welcome to Cumberland County,” located along roads at the County’s border. Grier said he has asked staff to design an updated sign that more prominently welcomes drivers to Cumberland County and incorporates the recent change of Fort Bragg to Fort Liberty, by noting that Cumberland County is the “Home of Fort Liberty.” He said 12 signs will need to be changed at a total cost of $4,800. Commissioners gave consensus to move forward with updating the signs.

Commissioners received the following monthly reports in their agenda packet:

  • Financial Report
  • Health Insurance Update
  • Project Updates

Meetings are live streamed on CCNC-TV though the County’s website at cumberlandcountync.gov, YouTube Channel and on CCNCTV Spectrum Channel 5. All associated documents to this meeting can be found on the Cumberland County website to include meeting agendas, minutes and links to the videos under the Board of Commissioners tab.

You can also follow the Cumberland County on social media by searching CumberlandCountyNC.