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Committee Receives Update, Provides Input on Homeless Support Center Design

Aug 27, 2024, 18:17 PM by Diane Rice

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. – The Cumberland County Board of Commissioners Committee to Address Homelessness met Monday, Aug. 26, 2023 at 1 p.m. in Room 564 of the Judge E. Maurice Braswell Cumberland County Courthouse to receive an update from the project architect and provide direction on what they want to see in the building program and design of the facility.

The Committee to Address Homelessness is comprised of Board of Commissioners Vice Chairwoman Dr. Toni Stewart, who chairs the committee, and Commissioners Michael Boose and Veronica Jones.

Heather Skeens, Assistant County Manager for Community Support, gave Committee members an update on progress since the last meeting, including the onboarding of project architect LS3P in May. Since that time, LS3P has been working with County staff, with input from a Homeless Advisory Committee, to develop a proposed building program for the Homeless Support Center and receive initial feedback to inform the facility’s design. Skeens said staff are currently working to bring a contract for the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) to the Board of Commissioners for approval following the Board’s selection of Barr & Barr and McFarland Construction earlier this month.

Bob Pressley, Project Manager with LS3P, provided an overview of the design process, noting that the project is currently nearing the end of the Visioning and Programming phase before entering into the Concept Design and Planning phase. He said the goal of the current phase is to develop an understanding of the building’s size, desired spaces within the building and the number and types of shelter beds the building will contain. He presented an initial concept program of around 45,000 square feet over two floors, including approximately 157 beds with separate congregate and semi-private spaces for men and women along with sleeping areas for families. He also shared feedback regarding the aesthetic design of the facility, noting stakeholders preferred a warm and “homey” space that does not feel cold and institutional and that provides a welcoming environment for those entering the facility.

Pressley said he anticipates coming back to the Committee in mid-September to provide another update before bringing a final concept design, with renderings and a cost estimate, to the Committee and Board of Commissioners in October.

Skeens shared that a Community Meeting will be held Monday, Sept. 9 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church at 400 Campbell Avenue, Fayetteville. Anyone interested in providing input on the program and design of the Homeless Support Center is encouraged to attend.

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