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Cumberland County Commissioners Agenda Session Wrap-Up

Sep 13, 2024, 16:52 PM by Diane Rice

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. – The following is a summary of the Sept. 12, 2024, Cumberland County Board of Commissioners Agenda Session, which was held at 1 p.m. in Room 564 of the Judge E. Maurice Braswell Cumberland County Courthouse. To view the agenda and supporting materials for this meeting, go to www.cumberlandcountync.gov/bocmeetingmaterials.

Chairman Glenn Adams led the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.

Dr. Jennifer Green, Public Health Director, presented an update on the County Health Rankings and Preliminary Results of the Community Health Needs Assessment for 2024. The assessment is completed every 3 years in collaboration with the Cape Fear Valley Health System. It is compiled through primary data collected through focus groups and a community survey, as well as secondary data from comparing the County’s health information to other county, state and national benchmarks. The data was reviewed by a group of key stakeholders on Sept. 5, 2024, and the following health priorities were identified:

  1. Behavioral health, mental health, and substance use
  2. Physical health (chronic disease, obesity, cancer, etc.)
  3. Maternal and infant health

Dr. Green said next steps include a public comment opportunity during the Board of Health meeting on Oct. 15, 2024 at 6 p.m., as well as the draft report being made available on the County website for public review and comment. The final report will be made available on the website by March 2025. For more information, including a summary of the initial findings and Board of Health meeting calendar, visit the Department of Public Health website at cumberlandcountync.gov/publichealth and click on “Board of Health” under the “About Us” tab.

Kellie Ross and Adam Hartzell with SouthLight Healthcare presented information regarding their organization’s mental health and substance abuse programs. The organization is based in Wake County and has begun offering programs in Cumberland County at 439 Ramsey St., Fayetteville. SouthLight sends teams into the community to identify needs and meet people in need of their services. They do not turn anyone away due to lack of insurance or income and can assist clients with access to medical and other resources. Their Fayetteville office is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and they also have a 24-hour crisis line. Learn more about SouthLight by visiting their website southlight.org.

The Board voted unanimously to move the following items to the Sept. 16, 2024, Regular Meeting to be approved as part of the CONSENT AGENDA, unless otherwise noted:

  1. Adoption of the North Central Area Land Use Plan: Rawls Howard, Director of Planning and Inspections, presented. Howard presented the proposed land use plan for the North Central Area of Cumberland County, which Planning Department staff developed in collaboration with area residents. The plan area is located to the north of the City of Fayetteville, south of the Harnett County border, east of the Town of Spring Lake’s Municipal Influence Area (MIA) and west of the Cape Fear River. It includes the Town of Linden and Shaw Heights community, and a population of approximately 17,000 residents. Following an in-depth community engagement process, the Cumberland County Joint Planning Board unanimously recommended approval of the plan at their June 18, 2024 meeting. The plan was also presented to the Town of Linden on July 16, 2024, and was adopted by their Board of Commissioners. For more information, visit https://north-central-area-land-use-plan-cumberlandgis.hub.arcgis.com/. The Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to hold a public hearing on the plan at the Sept. 16, 2024 regular meeting.
  2. Amendments to the Local Emergency Planning Committee Bylaws: Gene Booth, Emergency Services Director, presented. The Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) is responsible for facilitating the planning and coordination of chemical emergency responses within the community, ensuring that citizens are protected and that emergency response operations are effective and timely. The LEPC works in collaboration with local government agencies, emergency responders, industry representatives, and the public. On August 22, 2024, the committee met and unanimously approved revisions to the LEPC bylaws to align them with current regulations and best practices.
  3. Resolution for Funding Assistance for the Proposed Future Cedar Creek Water and Sewer District: Amanda Bader, General Manager for Natural Resources, presented. The Cumberland County Public Utilities Division and General Manager for Natural Resources are requesting approval of a resolution from the Board to include in an application for funding from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Water Infrastructure for the proposed future Cedar Creek water and sewer district.
  4. Resolution for Funding Assistance for the Gray's Creek Water and Sewer District: Amanda Bader, General Manager for Natural Resources, presented. The Cumberland County Public Utilities Division and General Manager for Natural Resources have identified the need for additional funding to serve this area and are requesting approval of a resolution from the Board to include in an application for funding through the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Water Infrastructure.
  5. Resolution for Funding Assistance for Overhills Water and Sewer System Regionalization Study: Amanda Lee Bader, General Manager for Natural Resources, presented. The Cumberland County Public Utilities Division and General Manager for Natural Resources are requesting approval of a resolution from the Board to include in an application for funding from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Water Infrastructure to study regional opportunities for the Overhills Water and Sewer System.
  6. Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Engineering Services for Ann Street Transfer Station: Amanda Bader, General Manager for Natural Resources, presented. Solid Waste Management issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) seeking a qualified consultant to assist with engineering services for the Ann Street Transfer Station that will be located at the landfill facility at 698 Ann Street, Fayetteville. One firm responded. Staff recommends the selection of Smith Gardner, Inc.
  7. Service Agreement with Smith Gardner, Inc. for Solid Waste Landfill Gas to Energy Evaluation: Amanda Bader, General Manager for Natural Resources, presented. Solid Waste Management operates a Landfill Gas to Energy Project at the Ann Street Landfill. The department requests approval of a service agreement with Smith Gardner, Inc. for Economic Evaluation Options to analyze future beneficial projects for Landfill Gas to Energy use. The agreement is for up to $99,000 and runs through June 30, 2025.
  8. Service Agreement with Smith Gardner, Inc. for Solid Waste Landfill Gas Routine Compliance Assistance: Amanda Bader, General Manager for Natural Resources, presented. Solid Waste Management operates a gas collection and treatment system at the Ann Street Landfill. The department requests approval of a service agreement with Smith Gardner, Inc. for routine air permit and air regulation compliance assistance. The agreement is for up to $60,000 and runs through June 30, 2025.
  9. Service Agreement with Smith Gardner, Inc. for Solid Waste Borrow Area Drilling: Amanda Bader, General Manager for Natural Resources, presented. Solid Waste Management requests approval of a service agreement with Smith Gardner, Inc. to assist the County with the design on leachate, surface water, groundwater, and stormwater collection and treatment system improvements, monitoring, sampling, testing, reporting, and permitting. The service agreement includes a Borrow Area Drilling Investigation, Remaining Borrow Evaluation and Reporting, and Investigation Data into the Bale fill Design Hydrogeologic Report. The agreement is for up to $30,000 and runs through June 30, 2025.
  10. Service Agreement with Smith Gardner, Inc. for Stormwater Improvements for Ammonia: Amanda Bader, General Manager for Natural Resources, presented. Solid Waste Management requests approval of a service agreement with Smith Gardner, Inc. to provide professional services to design, permit, and bid new stormwater treatment ponds for the Ann Street Landfill. The service agreement includes site investigation, sampling, evaluation and storm water design. The agreement is for up to $75,000 and runs through June 30, 2025.
  11. Service Agreement with Smith Gardner, Inc. for Solid Waste Annual Water Quality Monitoring & Reporting: Amanda Bader, General Manager for Natural Resources, presented. Solid Waste Management requests approval of a service agreement with Smith Gardner, Inc. to assist the County with the design on leachate, surface water, groundwater, and stormwater collection and treatment system improvements, monitoring, sampling, testing, reporting, and permitting. The service agreement includes Semi-Annual Water Quality Monitoring and Reporting, Monthly Leachate Reporting, and Quarterly GP Probe Monitoring. The agreement is for up to $96,000 and runs through June 30, 2025.
  12. Service Agreement with Smith Gardner, Inc. for Solid Waste Stormwater Compliance: Amanda Bader, General Manager for Natural Resources, presented. Solid Waste Management requests approval of a service agreement with Smith Gardner, Inc. to assist the County with the design on leachate, surface water, groundwater, and stormwater collection and treatment system improvements, monitoring, sampling, testing, reporting, and permitting. The service agreement includes eDMR Reporting, Monitoring of Weather Stations located at the Ann Street Landfill and Wilkes Road Treatment and Processing Facility and conducting onsite training for facility personnel for spill response, spill cleanup and preventative maintenance. The agreement is for up to $25,000 and runs through June 30, 2025.
  13. Design-Build Contract for Government Services Parking Deck: Jermaine Walker, Director of Engineering and Infrastructure, presented. The department requests approval of a contract with Samet to provide design-build services for a parking deck, which will be located behind the Judge E. Maurice Braswell Cumberland County Courthouse and will provide sufficient parking capacity for several major County construction projects in the vicinity, make up for any parking displaced by these projects, and allow for future growth. The projected cost for the 1,100-stall, six-floor structure is $33M and completion is anticipated prior to the completion of the new Crown Event Center and before construction begins on the new Government Services Building. The contract is for Phase I preconstruction services to include design, pricing, and other services based on Owner’s Project Criteria. The cost is $1,998,627.00. The Board voted 6-to-1 to approve this item, which means it will be presented at the Sept. 16 regular meeting as an Item of Business.
  14. Leasing Policy: Rick Moorefield, County Attorney, presented. The county attorney drafted a policy to address the County leasing property to various types of organizations. The policy creates guidelines to establish consistency in the lease terms offered to tenants in similar circumstances. This item was previously presented in August and the Board asked that details of property leased by the County as a tenant also be provided.
  15. Amendments to the Resolution Regarding Continued Participation in County Health Insurance by Retirees: Rick Moorefield, County Attorney, presented. The Board requested the County Attorney draft changes to Section 8 of the board’s Resolution Regarding Continued Participation in County Health Insurance Plan by Retirees. The Board voted unanimously to approve this item, and the County Attorney said it would be brought back for approval at the Oct. 7, 2024 regular meeting.

Commissioners received the following MONTHLY REPORTS in their agenda packet:

  1. Financial Report
  2. Health Insurance Update
  3. County Competitive Grants Update
  4. Project Updates

The Board went into CLOSED SESSION to discuss an Attorney Client Matter pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(3) and a Real Estate Matter pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(5).

The Board adjourned the meeting at 2:58 p.m.

Meetings are live streamed on CCNC-TV though the County’s website at cumberlandcountync.gov, YouTube Channel and on CCNCTV Spectrum Channel 5. All documents associated with this meeting can be found on the Cumberland County website to include meeting agendas, minutes and links to the videos under the Board of Commissioners tab.

You can also follow the Cumberland County on social media by searching CumberlandCountyNC.