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American Rescue Plan Committee Meeting Wrap-Up

Oct 17, 2024, 10:09 AM by Diane Rice

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. – The following is a summary of the Oct. 10, 2024, Cumberland County Board of Commissioners American Rescue Plan (ARP) Committee Special Meeting. The meeting was held in Room 564 of the Judge E. Maurice Braswell Cumberland County Courthouse at 2:30 p.m. To view the agenda and supporting materials for this meeting, go to https://www.cumberlandcountync.gov/departments/commissioners-group/commissioners/american-rescue-plan/community-meetings.

ARP Committee Chairman Commissioner Jimmy Keefe opened the meeting

Dr. Murtis Worth, Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Services of Fayetteville Technical Community College (FTCC) presented an update on the Hope, Opportunity, Prosperity through Education (H.O.P.E.) Program and Education Center. H.O.P.E. is an adult-learner program at FTCC that provides accelerated training in high-demand skills to county residents who don’t have a college degree. This includes residents who have earned some college credits as well as those who have a high school diploma or less. To learn more about the H.O.P.E. program visit https://www.faytechcc.edu/h-o-p-e-re-connect.

A contract balance of $1.1M remains. There has been great success in enrollment and work base learning. FTCC requested to reallocate $205k from the subaward balance to the student stipend fund. The Committee authorized staff to work with FTCC to bring back a contract amendment to increase the line-item budget for participant stipends. The Committee unanimously voted to extend the subaward to June 2025. Additionally, the Committee considered $4 million in funding for upgrades to the H.O.P.E facility building. Kevin Paul, Vice President of Facilities Services for FTCC presented information about the proposed building improvements. The building is owned by Cumberland County Schools and leased by FTCC.  FTCC also requested an additional annual amount of $750k for 400 students to cover the next 3 years.

The following ITEMS OF BUSINESS were discussed:

  1. Consideration of the Creation of Endowment Scholarship Fund on Behalf of Cape Fear Valley Medical Center and Methodist University Medical School: Boad of Commissioners Chairman, Glenn Adams, presented. The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Staff Committee members requested the ARP Committee’s approval for funding in the amount of $1 million from ARPA freed-up General Fund capacity for the creation of an endowment scholarship fund. This fund will be designated for students who are admitted to and enrolled at the Cape Fear Valley Medical Center and Methodist University Medical School. This initiative aligns with Cumberland County's commitment to support educational advancement in the medical field and contribute to the development of skilled healthcare professionals within our community. The Committee voted unanimously to allocate $1 million in ARPA freed-up General Fund capacity funding for the creation of an endowment scholarship fund for the Cape Fear Valley Medical Center and Methodist University Medical School, pursuant to County Attorney approval.
  2. Consideration of funding for the NORCRESS Water and Sewer District: Amanda Bader, General Manager of Natural Resources, presented. The ARP Staff Committee requested funding for the NORCRESS Water and Sewer District to support several critical infrastructure upgrades. Staff asked for approval for the following projects:
  1. Acquisition of a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system – $250,000
  2. Generator rehabilitation project – $200,000
  3. Air release valve replacement – $250,000
  4. Pig launch stations – $60,000

The total funding required for these projects is $760,000. Staff recommended utilizing $760,000 from the ARPA freed-up General Fund capacity to cover these essential purchases. These upgrades will improve the efficiency, reliability, and operational control of the NORCRESS Water and Sewer District, ensuring continued quality service for the community. The Committee unanimously to approve a funding allocation and authorization to present contract recommendations at a future Board of Commissioners meeting.

OTHER ITEMS discussed included:

  1. Subaward with Fayetteville Technical Community College (FTCC): Tye Vaught, Chief of Staff, presented. The ARP Committee received a request from FTCC to reallocate their budget associated with the H.O.P.E. program to provide employment services. The request comes in response to staffing changes within the program and the need to allocate a larger portion of the award towards student outcomes. ARP staff reviewed the request and supported the proposed budget reallocation, as it will not increase the contract's not-to-exceed amount. Additionally, staff recommended amending the contract date to extend through June 30, 2025, to align with the current fiscal year. The Committee voted unanimously to work with FTCC to prepare a contract budget amendment for consideration, to be executed by the Chairman of the Board upon obtaining legal sufficiency
  2. Contract Amendment with Fayetteville State University's (FSU) Fayetteville-Cumberland Regional Entrepreneur and Business HUB: Fayetteville State University (FSU) requested a contract amendment for the Fayetteville-Cumberland Regional Entrepreneur and Business HUB program to better align with their current needs and goals. The proposed changes will not result in an increase to the contract's not-to-exceed amount. The Committee did not take action on this item.
  3. Request for Consideration and Guidance on Failing Septic Systems in Bragg Estates Neighborhood: Tye Vaught, Chief of Staff, presented. On March 11, 2021, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to discontinue the Bragg Estates Sewer Project due to unfavorable easement conditions put forward by the Army Corps of Engineers, including a restrictive thirty-day reversion clause. The Board directed staff to explore alternative options for the residents of Bragg Estates and to present potential solutions. At that meeting, Tracy Jackson, former Assistant County Manager, presented two possible courses of action: either extend sewer lines to the neighborhood and require mandatory connections, or pursue a gradual relocation of residents as septic systems continue to fail. During the March 15, 2021, Board of Commissioners meeting, the Board further directed staff to work with the Community Development Department to provide assist eligible property owners and renters with failing septic systems. Additionally, staff was asked to approach Fort Liberty’s Garrison Commander to explore the possibility of incorporating the area into the military installation. Given the continued outreach from Bragg Estates residents, and the lack of a long-term resolution for their failing septic systems, staff asked for the ARP Committee’s guidance and consideration of potential funding through ARPA freed-up General Fund capacity to assist with the repair or replacement of septic systems for eligible property owners and renters in the Bragg Estates neighborhood. By conducting an environmental study, staff will be able to provide viable options to the Board of Commissioners. The Committee unanimously approved authorization to engage County Environmental Health and an engineering firm to conduct an environmental assessment of the Bragg Estates neighborhood at a rate of $1,060 per lot for a total of $159,000.

The following UPDATES were provided:

  1. Completing Access to Broadband (CAB) Match: Sally Shutt, Assistant County Manager for Strategic Management and Government Affairs, presented. Although the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Committee appropriated $2,800,000 to meet the 35% match requirement for the Completing Access to Broadband (CAB) grant, there is currently a moratorium in place with the North Carolina Department of Information Technology (NCDIT) on accepting matching funds from counties. This moratorium is due to pending legislation in the General Assembly, which may eliminate the match requirement altogether. Staff will continue to monitor the situation and bring back a recommendation in November based on the information available at that time. Board of Commissioners Chairman Glenn Adams asked for information to be presented at a later meeting regarding WiFi enabled benches for County parks. The Committee voted to authorize up to $500k to purchase the WiFi enabled benches.
  2. ARPA SLFRF Obligation Deadline: Tye Vaught, Chief of Staff, presented. The deadline for the obligation of ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) is December 31, 2024. It is crucial to ensure all remaining unencumbered funds are appropriately allocated and obligated to meet compliance requirements. Staff will bring back detailed recommendations in November regarding the final disposition and obligation of any unencumbered funds. These recommendations will focus on maximizing the impact of the remaining funds and ensuring they are aligned with the ARPA guidelines. Approximately $6 million in unobligated funds remain in ARPA funds as of September 30, 2024. However, there are several pending projects including opioid crisis assistance, community housing assistance, and several more. The Committee asked for an end of year summary listing all the businesses and programs supported by ARPA funds.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:56 p.m.

The Cumberland County Board of Commissioners ARP Committee is comprised of Commissioner Jimmy Keefe, who chairs the Committee, Chairman Glenn Adams and Vice Chairwoman Dr. Toni Stewart.

For more information on the ARP Committee and Cumberland County’s ARP allocation and programs, go to cumberlandcountync.gov/americanrescueplan.