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Cumberland County Commissioners Agenda Session Wrap-Up

Nov 18, 2024, 09:36 AM by Diane Rice

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. – The following is a summary of the Nov. 14, 2024, Cumberland County Board of Commissioners Agenda Session, which was held at 1p.m. in Room 564 of the Judge E. Maurice Braswell Cumberland County Courthouse. To view the agenda and supporting materials for this meeting, go to www.cumberlandcountync.gov/bocmeetingmaterials.

Vice Chairwoman Dr. Toni Stewart led the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioners voted unanimously to add item 2M to the agenda to discuss Hillside Cemetery, and to remove item 3A, “Update to Commissioner Bio Format on County Website” from the agenda.

The Board voted unanimously to move the following items to the Nov. 18, 2024, Regular Meeting to be approved as part of the CONSENT AGENDA, unless otherwise noted:

A. Extension of Time with the Martin Luther King, Jr. Committee: Chairman Glenn Adams presented. The Board previously approved $2.5 million in funding for the Martin Luther King Jr. Park. The deadline for the work to be completed was Nov. 1, 2024. Due to a delay in construction, the Martin Luther King Jr. Committee requested the deadline be extended. The Board voted unanimously to approve a 12-month extension.

B. Request to Contract for Continued Security Services: Brenda Reid Jackson, Social Services Director, presented. The Department of Social Services has one Cumberland County Sheriff’s Deputy along with three private security guards at the main DSS facility on Ramsey St., and one private security guard at the Family Resource Center in Spring Lake. DSS is requesting approval of a contract to change its private security vendor to Weatherspoon Enterprises beginning Jan. 1, 2025, through June 30, 2025 at an amount not to exceed $97,452. The contract includes an option for renewal for FY26 in the amount of $206,856 and FY27 in the amount of $219,156. Approximately 48% of the contract is eligible for federal and state administrative reimbursement.

C. Bid Award for Assembly Court Convenience Center & Recycling Facility – Phase 1 Construction: Amanda Lee, General Manager for Natural Resources, presented. Cumberland County Solid Waste plans to construct a 3.81-acre solid waste convenience center and recycling facility at 575 Assembly Ct., Fayetteville. The facility will be constructed in two phases. Phase 1 includes installation of erosion and sedimentation control measures, entrance and driveway construction and paving, parking area construction and aggregate surfacing, chain link fence installation, vegetative buffer installation, and water and sewer lateral taps and installation. The bid for Phase 1 Construction was advertised on Oct. 2, 2024, with bids due on Oct. 18, 2024. Three bids were received. The lowest responsive bid was from Blacksail Construction in the amount of $483,000.

D. Bid Award for Wells Package 1 – Gray’s Creek Phase I Construction: Amanda Lee, General Manager for Natural Resources, presented. Cumberland County, on behalf of the Gray’s Creek Water and Sewer District, solicited formal bids for the Wells Package 1 –Gray’s Creek Phase I project. Three bids were received. East Point Contracting LLC submitted the lowest responsive bid in the amount of $660,000. The project includes constructing wells at four locations. The contract states the County is in the process of obtaining the well site properties and the Notice to Proceed will be issued 150 days after contract execution. Staff proposes a phased Notice to Proceed to start with the two southernmost wells and a second notice of award to be issued once the two additional locations have been determined. The wells will provide water to the Cedar Creek community.

E. Bid Award for Sheriff's Indoor Training Range Upgrade Project: Jermaine Walker, Engineering & Infrastructure Director, presented. On Aug. 28, 2024, Engineering & Infrastructure solicited proposals for the upgrade of the Earl Butler Sheriff's Training Center indoor firing range. Two addenda were issued, and the bid period closed on Sept. 30,2024. Four vendors submitted bids. Staff are requesting award of the project to Range Systems, which provided the lowest responsive, responsible bid at $398,411.00.

F. Recommendations for the Use of Opioid Settlement Funds and Local Spending Authorization Resolution and Associated Budget Project Ordinance Amendment #BR 251250: Dr. Jennifer Green, Public Health Director, presented. Cumberland County is set to receive $31,613,831.42 over 18 years from the national opioid settlement negotiated by the NC Department of Justice (NCDOJ). As part of the settlement, criteria were established for eligible strategies under two different categories – options A and B. The Health Department previously conducted community engagement in June 2022 and to date the Board of Commissioners has approved $2,097,139 in projects to be completed with the County’s opioid settlement funds under Option A. Following direction from the Board to pursue additional strategies under Option B, the Health Department held additional community engagement sessions in Fall 2024 and presented nine additional funding recommendations under both Option A and B strategies. The recommendations, which total $8,054,000, would be implemented from 2025 through 2029. The Board must approve a local spending authorization resolution and budget revision to expend opioid settlement funds. The Health Department requests approval to use $3,204,000 for six of the nine recommendations under Option A. An additional resolution and budget revision for the remaining three recommendations will be presented at a future meeting once Option B strategies are approved by NCDOJ and the request for proposals process is complete. The Health Department also requests approval of the Option B recommendations to submit to NCDOJ for approval.

G. Community Development Modular Construction Replacement Policy: Tye Vaught, Chief of Staff and Interim Community Development Director, and Community Development Intern Cedric Turner, presented. The Community Development Department administers a housing rehabilitation program to bring single-family homes to code when disrepair poses a health or safety risk to the homeowner or the public. The program provides deferred, forgivable loans to qualifying homeowners. When the cost to rehabilitate is comparable to replacement, Community Development may recommend replacing the home with a modular unit or a traditionally constructed stick-built home. Community Development requests approval of a "Community Development Policy for Modular Construction Repair" to establish a clear framework and guidelines for identifying, assessing, and implementing modular replacements for qualifying properties.

H. Purchase of a Fork Truck for the Solid Waste Department: Amanda Lee, General Manager for Natural Resources, presented. On May 6, 2024, the Board approved the award of an IFB (Invitation for Bid) for a new fork truck for Solid Waste to Lilley International, Inc. in the amount of $158,399. Solid Waste requests the Board’s approval to purchase the truck.

I. Purchase of Land for Industrial Sites and Budget Project Ordinance Amendment #BR 250399: The Fayetteville Cumberland Economic Development Corporation (FCEDC) requests the Board approve a contract to purchase two parcels of land on Doc Bennett Rd. to be held for future development as industrial sites. This matter was previously discussed in closed session and there was a consensus by the Board to create a contract. The property is being sold through a judicial sale process and will be subject to the upset bid procedure. A budget revision to use $1,854,600 from the Capital Investment Fund (CIF) fund balance was also requested.

J. Land Purchase in the Bushy Lake State Natural Area for the Mountains-to-Sea Trail Project Budget Project Ordinance Amendment #BR 250273: In May 2024, the State of North Carolina and the Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail approached the County about purchasing 71.5 acres of land in the Bushy Lake State Natural Area of Beaver Dam to assist in the completion of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail. The County would purchase the land for $253,000 and would be reimbursed by the Friends of the Mountains to-Sea Trail (MST) and NC Division of Parks and Recreation for $193,000. The net cost to the County would be $60,000. The County would grant an easement for the portion of the purchase to MST. County Manager Clarence Grier requested the Board approve the purchase for an amount not to exceed $258,000. A budget revision was also requested.

K. Appropriation of Funds to Cumberland County Hospital System, Inc., to Establish a New Health Program as Authorized by G.S. 153A-149(c)(15): This matter was discussed in closed session to determine whether the county had authority to establish a scholarship program for county residents who attended the medical school to be established by Methodist University and committed to practicing medicine in the county after being licensed. There was a consensus by the Board to provide $1 million in funding to Cape Fear Valley Health System to develop and fund a program to accomplish this goal.

L. Grant of New Lease to Cumberland County Communicare, Inc.: The County’s previous lease with Cumberland County Communicare for 14,494 square feet of office space at 109 Bradford Ave., Fayetteville, expired June 30, 2024. Communicare has remained in the space as a holdover tenant under the same lease terms. The Board adopted a leasing policy in Sept. before renewing the lease. Communicare reported it could not afford the full rent increase in its current budget. Starting the new lease Jan. 1 gives Communicare half of the current fiscal year at the old lease rate. Management proposes a new lease, which complies with the leasing policy, for a three-year term commencing Jan. 1, 2025. Under the new lease terms, the rent would be $217,410 annually. The Board must approve a resolution of intent that must be advertised for 30 days prior to approval of the lease.

M. Hillside Cemetery Assistance: Due to its proximity to the Little River, the Hillside Cemetery, located in Spring Lake near Williams Chapel, experiences flooding. The flooding has caused a casket to unearth. The current cemetery managers are requesting the County assist in moving or reburying the casket due to public health concerns. As the damage was caused due to a natural disaster, there may be a possibility for cost reimbursement. The Board approved the moving the casket to a new location within the cemetery at a cost not to exceed $15,000 and allowing management to seek reimbursement from hurricane funds.

Commissioners received the following MONTHLY REPORTS in their agenda packet:

  1. Financial Report
  2. ARPA Quarterly Project and Expenditure Report as of September 30, 2024
  3. Health Insurance Update
  4. Wellpath, LLC Quarterly Statistical Report on Inmate Health Care
  5. Grants Update
  6. Project Updates

The Board went into CLOSED SESSION to discuss an Attorney Client Matter pursuant to NCGS143-318.11(a)(3).

The Board adjourned the meeting at 2:33 p.m.

Meetings are live streamed on CCNC-TV though the County’s website at cumberlandcountync.gov, YouTube Channel and on CCNCTV Spectrum Channel 5. All documents associated with this meeting can be found on the Cumberland County website to include meeting agendas, minutes and links to the videos under the Board of Commissioners tab.

Cumberland County can be found on social media by searching CCNCGov.