FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. – Due to the potential for strong wind gusts from Hurricane Idalia, Cumberland County Solid Waste will delay opening the Ann Street Landfill, Wilkes Road Treatment and Processing Facility and Melvin Container site until 8:30 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 31.
For more information about Cumberland County Solid Waste, go to cumberlandcountync.gov/solidwaste.
Cumberland County Emergency Services encourages residents to stay safe and informed during Hurricane Idalia. The County will share information related to the storm through Cumberland Alerts, as well as on the County website and through County social media pages.
Cumberland Alerts is a free alert system that allows residents to receive critical information related to incidents such as severe weather, evacuations, protective actions and more. Notifications can be sent to your home, mobile or business phone, email and by text messages. To sign up for Cumberland Alerts, go to the County’s website at cumberlandcountync.gov and click on the Cumberland Alerts icon at the bottom of the page.
In addition to signing up for Cumberland Alerts, you can stay informed during Hurricane Idalia and any other time by visiting the County’s website at cumberlandcountync.gov or County social media pages at facebook.com/CCNCGov, facebook.com/CumberlandCountyNC911 and twitter.com/CCNCGov.